Sunday, October 11, 2015

Top 10 Characters from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

Today is the day, and for my final list, I will share who I think are the best of the key element that keeps this show alive: the characters. This list also contains characters who are deceased on the show. Now for my honorable mentions:
  • Carl
  • Morgan
  • Abraham
  • Eugene
  • Aaron
  • Tyreese
  • Beth
  • Bob
  • Dale
  • Gareth
Now for the list:
 10. Maggie Greene - Maggie is a great character in the show because it took her a much shorter time to be capable of killing walkers than it did for her comic counterpart. Add to that the fact that she's managed to pull through losing her entire family and even seems to be taking her father's role as the moral compass of the group, and you have a character that I feel is much better than the one they're adapted from.
 9. Glenn Rhee - Topping his wife by just one spot is a character that is hard not to love. Glenn is a cool dude, a good friend, a devoted husband, a hardened survivor, and a man who still manages to keep his humanity even in the bleakest of situations. Bonus points for Steven Yeun managing to make him so likable with his performance. 
 8. Merle Dixon - Merle is a crazy guy. He's a racist, a misogynist, a drug dealer, and basically just an all-around asshole, and yet we all love him. It was a real treat to see him return in Season 3, and made even better with the character arc it gave him. Merle knew deep down that Rick's group would never accept him for the things he's done, but he at least had to try to find some way to make them trust him. With that comes one of the most badass character defining moments in the series and a sendoff that is both awesome and heartbreaking. Merle may have not been the most pleasant of people, but he certainly was by no means a bad guy. Plus, Michael Rooker was amazing in the part, making him funny, crazy, and awesome all the way.
 7. The Governor - This guy has had a mixed reaction from the fandom. Some hate him for being less menacing compared to the Comics Governor, while some love him for being more human. For me, I go with the latter. While he is not as evil as the comics version of the character, I appreciate David Morrissey's take more because he not only makes you fear him, but he also makes you sympathize with him as well. I enjoyed his time on the show and will always remember him as the best villain of The Walking Dead...for now...
 6. Hershel Greene - Here's a character that did absolutely no wrong and is leagues better than his comics counterpart. Hershel was a great character because even through it all, he always had the group's best interests at heart and managed to keep his humanity all the way. His part in the Flu storyline was where he was at his best, as he managed to care for the sick people while also fending off zombies. Don't underestimate this old man, because he is one mean motherfucking servant of God. Oh, and how could I forget this.
 5. Shane Walsh - Yeah, I'm sure everyone can unanimously agree that this character is WAY better than his comic counterpart, but there is more to him than just the obvious reason. Shane is a very complex character, driven by love and a desire to survive. You feel for him, yet fear him all the same. A lot of that is owed to Jon Bernthal, who really did turn in a great performance with this role. Shane's story sadly did not end well for him, but he was a great character nonetheless, and that is why he makes the Top 5.
 4. Carol Peletier - Wow, I mean just...WOW. This character is something else altogether. When we first saw her, she was a battered housewife who lost her entire family and seemingly was nothing more than walking cannon fodder. Then this happened, then this, and finally THIS!!! Yeah, she has come a long way from where she first started, and now I can't even predict what will happen with her because she just seems to surprise you every step of the way.
 3. Michonne - Yeah, she is the best female character on the show, and I honestly think I like this version more than the one in the comics. Danai Gurira plays a big part in that, making Michonne feel so human, and the story they laid out for her is great too. I have really felt for her and hope we get more of her being a warm-hearted badass, maybe even see this along the way.
 2. Daryl Dixon - Say what you want about him, but Daryl Dixon is a great character. He is strong, he's badass, he's funny, and he has a complex character buried within him. When he first started out, he was no different than his brother, but as time went on, he has changed so much. He now cares for the group and will do whatever it takes to defend them. He has found where he belongs, and I think that's what makes him a great character.

And now my favorite character in The Walking Dead is, of course...

 1. Rick Grimes - Well, let's face it, Rick was getting on this list one way or another. I love Andrew Lincoln's portrayal of him and I love his character development. He went from being a caring family man who had a sense of duty to a completely hardened badass who will do whatever it takes to protect his group. He has been through so much "stuff" and has done so many "thangs" that he had to be put at the top. Here's to looking forward to what's in store for him tonight.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Top 10 Episodes from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

2 days from now The Walking Dead returns, so for my second list, I will be doing my top 10 favorite episodes from the series. Before I get to the actual list here are some honorable mentions:
  • Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
  • Season 1 Episode 6 "TS-19"
  • Season 2 Episode 1 "What Lies Ahead"
  • Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out"
  • Season 3 Episode 8 "Made To Suffer"
  • Season 3 Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life"
  • Season 4 Episode 9 "After"
  • Season 4 Episode 16 "A"
  • Season 5 Episode 8 "Coda"
  • Season 5 Episode 16 "Conquer"
Now for the actual list:
 10. "Vatos" (Season 1 Episode 4) - What seemed like your standard episode turned out to be one of the biggest WHAM episodes of the series. As I mentioned in my last list, the Atlanta Camp attack was one of the darkest moments in The Walking Dead. This episode was completely unpredictable and that is why I put it on this list.
 9. "Four Walls and a Roof" (Season 5 Episode 3) - Season 5 started out with a bang, and while it was short, the Hunters storyline closed with a bang. From Bob screaming tainted meat to Rick keeping his promise to Gareth, this episode was dark, scary, and all around intense. I do wish the Hunters were around for at least the end of the first half, but this episode more than made up for that.
 8. "Clear" (Season 3 Episode 12) - This was a great episode. Not only did this episode mark the return of Morgan, but it also produced some of the finest acting I've seen in the show. Lennie James is amazing in the role, and he really gave it his all in this performance. Adding to that are some nice moments between Carl and Michonne, and you've got a fantastic episode where not much really happened.
 7. "Days Gone Bye" (Season 1 Episode 1) - The one that started it all. This was just an absolutely amazing series premiere that had so many great moments that were completely faithful to the source material that I could make a list just about that. It is a Walking Dead classic and one that will always be remembered.
 6. "Pretty Much Dead Already" (Season 2 Episode 7) - This episode drove the point home that NO ONE is safe on this show. After six episodes of searching, Sophia turned up to be dead as a zombie when she walked out of the barn after the group shot down all of Hershel's undead family and friends. It was shocking and heartbreaking to say the least, and you can tell how broken everyone was after that. This was a huge episode and one that will not soon be forgotten.
 5. "The Grove" (Season 4 Episode 14) - This episode is hands down the darkest, most depressing episode in the entire series. Poor Carol really can't catch a break when it comes to losing her loved ones. The moment she pulls the trigger to put Lizzie down is the moment you realize how far this show can go in terms of shock value. All in all, this was a great episode and possibly the best performance of Melissa McBride's run in the show. Just look at the flowers.
 4. "Better Angels" (Season 2 Episode 12) - Season 2 has a mixed reaction among the fandom, but if there's one thing that it got absolutely right, then it's the character arc it gave Shane, which was perfectly closed in this episode. Seeing Shane descend into madness is as frightening as it is upsetting since deep down he is just looking after the people he cares about. It was equally heartbreaking to watch Rick have to kill his best friend as well as Carl put down Shane after he turns. All in all, this was Season 2's best episode.
 3. "Killer Within" (Season 3 Episode 4) - If "The Grove" was the darkest episode, then this one was the most shocking. It featured not one but two major character deaths, with one probably being the biggest death in the series so far. I really can't go into any more details, but all I can say is that this episode completely changed the course of the series from there on.
 2. "No Sanctuary" (Season 5 Episode 1) - This was the best premiere of the series as well as the best episode of Season 5. When I said it started with a bang, I wasn't kidding. This was intense, scary, action-packed, and all around awesome. You are literally glued to the edge of your seat when watching this episode. Oh, and there was also this. I was tempted to put this episode at the number 1 spot, if not for...
 1. "Too Far Gone" (Season 4 Episode 8) - This is by far the best episode of the series and what the Season 3 finale should have always been. The build up was perfect, the stakes were high, the action was intense, and the emotions were souring. This episode does have things that could detract from it, but they're microscopically small to what it accomplished, which was wrap up one of the best storylines in a satisfying way. I am curious as to whether it can be topped or not, but as of now, "Too Far Gone" remains the best episode of  The Walking Dead.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Top 10 Moments from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

With the Season 6 premiere of The Walking Dead vast approaching, I feel it's time I reflected back on the previous five seasons. For my first list, I will be giving my top ten favorite moments from all five seasons and why I think they are the greatest. Before I begin here are some honorable mentions:
  • Rick and Glenn's guts-smeared walk through Atlanta in Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
  • Andrea putting down Amy in Season 1 Episode 5 "Wildfire"
  • Rick killing Dave and Tony in Season 2 Episode 8 "Nebraska"
  • Rick and Shane's brawl in Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out"
  • Michonne vs The Governor in Season 3 Episode 8 "Made To Suffer"
  • The Governor attacks the prison in Season 3 Episode 10 "Home"
  • The Battle against the Flu in Season 4 Episode 5 "Internment"
  • Rick bites out Joe's neck in Season 4 Episode 16 "A"
  • Beth's death in Season 5 Episode 8 "Coda"
  • Rick and Pete's brawl in Season 5 Episode 15 "Try"
Now for the actual list:
10. The Atlanta Camp Attack (Season 1 Episode 4 "Vatos") - The moment that beat out Rick and Glenn's walk through Atlanta, I chose this one because it showed just how dark The Walking Dead really is. Not only was it unexpected, but it also featured the first major character death in Amy (as shown in the picture.) It was very brutal, depressing, and all around intense, making for a well deserved spot on this list.
 9. Merle's Last Stand (Season 3 Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life") - This was a true character defining moment. Merle was a great character, so it was fitting that he went out in a blaze of glory, and boy did he ever. Not only did he manage to take out at least six or seven of the Governor's men, but he also went toe-to-toe with the Governor as well. While he sadly did not make it out alive, he was still headstrong the entire way, leading to a fitting end to a great character.
 8. Rick kills the Bicycle Girl (Season 1 Episode 1 "Days Gone Bye") - This was not only a defining moment for Rick, but for the entire show as well. This was perfectly adapted from the comic book, and Andrew Lincoln's acting during the scene is what really sells it. Bonus points for playing at the same time as the scene where Morgan tries to put down his wife, since they both worked so well together.
 7. Rick and co. kill The Hunters (Season 5 Episode 3 "Four Walls and a Roof") - Man, was this scene dark. This moment showed just how much Rick has changed over the course of the series and how far the survivors are willing to go in the name of survival. Plus, I find it rather cool that they actually had Rick keep the promise he made to Gareth, who found that out the hard way.
 6. The Barn Massacre (Season 2 Episode 7 "Pretty Much Dead Already") - If you've seen this episode you know this moment. If the Atlanta Camp Attack didn't drive the point home that no one is safe, then this CERTAINLY DID. I could say more, but I think you should just see it for yourself if you have not.
 5. Escaping Terminus (Season 5 Episode 1 "No Sanctuary") - Kicking off the Top 5 is a moment that covers nearly an entire episode. I was blown away by when Carol showed just how badass she could be and on the edge of my seat as Rick and the others fought their way out against walkers and Termites. It was intense, action-packed, scary, and all around amazing. There is a reason as to why "No Sanctuary" is considered the best premiere so far.
 4. Carol kills Lizzie (Season 4 Episode 14 "The Grove") - Okay, what could I say about this scene that hasn't already been said. It was a character defining moment for Carol and probably the darkest moment in the entire series. Don't believe me, then go watch for yourself.
 3. The Death of Shane (Season 2 Episode 12 "Better Angels") - This was an absolutely perfect way to send this character off. Season 2 was basically Shane's season, and his entire arc throughout wraps up in this one moment, where he tries to kill his best friend out of pure rage and jealousy. Rick gains the upper hand, however, and puts him down first. This isn't the end though as Shane comes back as a zombie and is about to attack Rick again before ultimately being put down by one of the people he cared about the most: Carl. This was without a doubt the best moment of Season 2, and would have been higher on the list if not for...
 2. Lori's Death (Season 3 Episode 4 "Killer Within") - This was without a doubt the most shocking of all deaths in The Walking Dead. Who could expect the main character's wife being killed off so early like that. It was completely unpredictable and thoroughly heart-breaking. While Lori was not the most well-liked character in the series, she certainly would have had anyone's sympathies here. Then of course there's Rick's breakdown after learning what happened. All in all, this was the saddest moment in the series and deserves to be put here at the number 2 spot.

And now my favorite moment in the entire Walking Dead series is...

 1. The Prison War (Season 4 Episode 8 "Too Far Gone") - This is hands down my favorite moment in the series. Everything about it was absolutely amazing. From Hershel's death, to Daryl destroying the tank, to Rick fist-fighting the Governor, everything that built up to this moment was wrapped up in a blaze of glory. While it doesn't have the amount of death that the one in the comics had, what we got was good enough to take the number 1 spot on this list.

Well, that's it for this list, guys. Tune in for more on the way.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Death Predictions (SPOILERS)

With The Walking Dead Season 6 approaching, you know that there will be some major character deaths happening. For this blog, I will be doing my predictions on who I think will bite the dust during this season. Now let's begin our list with none other than:
  •  Rick Grimes: I can easily say that there is no way that Rick will die this season since he's the main character. If he did die, I'd be surprised, but I highly doubt it will happen.
  •  Daryl Dixon: Another character that I highly doubt will be killed off, but this one could be up for debate as the trailer shows him in what appears to be great trouble, but it's Daryl Dixon, so who knows.
  •  Glenn: Another highly debatable character. While I don't think he will be killed off in the first half, that doesn't mean he's 100% safe, especially if the second half of Season 6 introduces us to a certain new character.
  •  Maggie Greene: Yeah, I highly doubt they'll kill Maggie off, especially if they decide to have her follow her comic counterpart more closely.
  •  Carl Grimes: Like father like son, I say that Carl is one of the safest characters right now, though that doesn't mean he'll leave Season 6 unscathed.
  •  Michonne: I can say Michonne is one of the more safer characters, though not to the degree of Rick or Carl.
  •  Carol Peletier: Honestly, who knows what the showrunners will do with this character since she seems to surprise us every time. At this point, I'll just say that Carol is here to stay, for however long that'll be.
  •  Abraham Ford: I don't think it's his time yet, but like Glenn, if they follow the comics, then he isn't 100% safe.
  •  Sasha: Since she's basically a composite of Andrea from the comics, I don't see her going anytime soon.
  •  Morgan Jones: Though this is the point where he dies in the comics, I highly doubt he will die since he just returned and his story seems far from over.  
Well, that's who was billed as starring for the main cast. As for the others, here is a list of what I think will happen to them:
  • Eugene will not die.
  • Rosita will not die.
  • Tara: If any of the members of our main group is going to die, I think it's her.
  • Gabriel: Debatable 
  • Aaron will not die.
  • Jessie: Debatable 
  • Deanna will die.
  • Spencer: Debatable
  • Tobin will die.
  • Ron will die, though when is debatable.
  • Nicholas will die.
  • Enid will not die.
  • Mikey: Debatable
  • Eric: Debatable
  • Olivia: Debatable
  • Sam will not die
  • Francine: Since she seems to be taking the role of Holly, I don't think so.
  • Bruce will die.
  • Heath will not die.
  • Denise will not die.
  • Carter: If he follows Comic Nicholas' role, then no.
  • Random Alexandrians will die
  • Most if not all the Wolves will die. 
Well, that's it for this blog, guys. I'll probably do Top 10 lists for Walking Dead moments, episodes, and characters later on. But for now, I hope you enjoyed this blog and hope you take care.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Hello, my name is Jake Gleason. I am a guy who enjoys anything the media has to offer. From movies to TV shows, you name it I love it. In this blog, I will generally talk about things I would like to post about, such as lists, reviews, and general thoughts and predictions. However, due to conflicts, I may not have blog posts everyday. When I do, I'll make sure there as interesting as possible so that if someone reads it, they won't be bored out of their minds. Anyway, this is just a little get to know me type of post. I'll think of something to post later on. If you guys have any ideas, feel free to post them in the comment section.