Saturday, March 17, 2018

Black Panther (SPOILERS)

Black Panther film poster.jpg

Wakanda Forever

In today's day and age, representation has overseen a huge part of everyday life, both in and out of the world of media, so leave it to the MCU to bring something similar to the table and you've got Black Panther. Now, for all intents and purposes, Black Panther is an excellent addition to the MCU's roster that collects a fascinating story with entertaining characters and deep messages. That said, it's not perfect, and as per custom, I will go over what made Black Panther work, and what didn't:

  1. T'Challa is an excellent leading hero. I enjoyed his debut in Civil War, but I think what makes me like him more in his solo outing is how the movie takes the time to show that despite being a superhero, he is still human. What I mean when I say that is that he shows vulnerability, compassion, and righteousness in a way that makes him relatable and different from the previous protagonists of the MCU. Add in Chadwick Boseman's moving performance, and you've got an amazing character to look up to and root for.
  2. Really, every character is fantastic. They're all so enjoyable and fun to watch that you can't get enough of them. Of course, certain standouts are Nakia, Okoye, M'Baku, and Shuri, but really everyone is great in their own way. Alas, among all these GOATS, there is, after all, one true standout...
  3. ERIK KILMONGER! If I can sum him up in a few words, it'd go a little something like this: BEST MCU VILLAIN EVER! Better than Vulture; Better than Ego; Better than Loki! The MCU has really gone above and beyond in fixing their villain problem during [hase Three, and I think they've found the pièce de résistance with Kilmonger. His backstory is sympathetic, his motives are compelling, and Michael B. Jordan's performance is spellbinding! You almost feel for the guy despite his atrocities, and in the end his death is practically moving.
  4. The visuals are absolutely beautiful! This is hands down the most visually impressive of all the films in the MCU, and that's quite a feat considering we've had movies like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 come out last year with spectacular visuals of its own.
  5. The last thing I'd like to mention is that this film tackles its deep messages in an incredibly mature way. Throughout the film, T'Challa has had to tackle with the consequences of his father's actions in the form of Kilmonger, and what it leads to is one of the deepest and most personal conflicts in all of MCU history. The idea of not letting the past define the future is handled incredibly well, and if there was anything that made Black Panther truly stand out, this would be the reason.
  1. KILMONGER SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED! It really is that simple. He was too fantastic a villain to kill off in one solo outing, and while the death itself was well handled and there is always a possibility for him to return, I just feel an opportunity was wasted here. The same can be said for Klaue, whose hammy, over-the-top villainy really brought life to the first half of this film. All in all, with great villains such as these, what was the necessity in killing them off? 
  2. The pacing was a bit off. It really took a while to get going, and that really only started when Kilmonger began taking center stage. It did serve in fleshing out Wakanda and the other characters more, but I think it would have benefited from more momentum a bit sooner. 
Black Panther is great and I enjoyed it. It's a bit overhyped, of course, but it's still a thoroughly enjoyable ride. Go check it out as you, and I, eagerly await the arrival of the Mad Titan himself...

And that's it for this blog, guys! After a long hiatus, it sure feels good to be back :) Tune in for more on the way...