Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Joker (2019 film) poster.jpg

Put on a Happy Face...

For so long, I have always had a fondness for villains. Yes, we're supposed to root against them, but at the end of the day, they always end up being the most compelling character in the entire story. One of the best examples of that being the case is when it comes to a character like the Joker. He has become so ingrained into pop culture that it'd be hard to imagine a world without him. Throughout his long tenure, the character has received several iterations; some that were absolutely stellar and others that ended up missing the mark. This year, we have received Todd Phillips' take on the beloved character, and to say that it is unique is putting it ever so lightly. Joker is a film that is unlike anything that came out of the comic book movie genre before, with a message that is important and relevant for people to experience. It is certainly a film that will be talked about for years to come, much like the film that inspired it, so let's get into why that is the case:

  1. JOAQUIN PHEONIX!!! Holy cow, where do I even begin! He was phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal! No easy task for an actor who had to craft a performance that would live up to, if not outright exceed, the bar set by the iconic take given by the late great Heath Ledger. Thankfully, Phoenix proved up to the challenge and gave it his all. I don't really have many words to describe it. It was human, authentic, terrifying, tragic, put it simply, he became Arthur Fleck, who in turn became the Joker. A masterful performance that should, no must, get some form of recognition at the Academy next year. Make it happen!
  2. Gotham City. Not what you'd call idyllic, but this film takes that to a whole new level. We get a real sense of the kind of world it would take to create a monster like the Joker and incite the madness that he inspires, and the way the city is designed and captured in this film allows us to be immersed in that.
  3. The score! When it comes to talking about musical scores, I can't really find the words to describe how magnificent it is, so I just leave a link to it so that people can experience it for themselves. In this case, here you go. 
  4. The way they tie Joker's origin to Batman's. Yes, that actually happened, and in a pretty clever way too! I dare not spoil it should anyone manage to go check it out, but it truly was a neat way to make it happen and it leaves me wondering where it could lead...possibly to a crossover with the upcoming Robert Pattinson trilogy?!
  5. As I mentioned in the intro, this movie offers up an important message that must be addressed. Society has been shaped so that there are those who make it to the top...and those that are tossed to the curb. Here, Arthur falls into the latter, and it is that along with his deteriorating mental illness that contributes to his ultimate transformation into the Joker. To put it simply, the structure of society can contribute to the creation of monsters like the Joker, and if not careful can have drastic consequences. It is this message that the film conveys, and one that hopefully will be addressed and talked about for years to come. 
  1. Ultimately, when being inspired by Taxi Driver, Joker starts to get a little self-indulgent in that regard. Having recently rewatched Taxi Driver, I realized this, and it got to the point where for a majority of the first half, it felt like the exact same film! Thankfully, Joker managed to come into its own as it progressed, but man, the similarities were distracting, thus keeping this film from being completely perfect. 
I have no words to describe Joker. It was a truly surreal experience and definitely the best film 2019 has offered so far. I don't think there can ever be a film quite like it, but it's nice to see that DC is finally allowing directors to craft character-driven stories that embrace their visions. The success that Joker is experiencing will no doubt shape the future of the industry going forward. Based on the movie, it seems like the best move possible. 

And that is is for this post guys, tune in for more coming your way and don't forget to...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Retro-Reviews: Taxi Driver (SPOILERS)

Taxi driver movieposter.jpg

If you've heard that quote (which I can't imagine you haven't,) then you have, in a way, heard of Taxi Driver. Martin Scorsese is one of the most iconic filmmakers of all time, right up there with the likes of Spielberg, Kubrick, Tarantino, and Coppola. He's created many classics such as Goodfellas and is in the process of releasing his new flick, The Irishman. One thing many of his films share in common is the use of one iconic actor: that of Robert DeNiro. The pairing of Scorsese and DeNiro has produced some iconic films, and this one right here is easily one of the most cherished and beloved. With The Irishman right around the corner and a certain other film taking heavy inspiration from this film, I felt it natural to revisit Taxi Driver and determine what makes it such an iconic, dare I say it, masterpiece:

  1. Robert DeNiro! Yes, the actor has had a huge variety of roles that it's hard to pick just one to consider his all time best, but his turn as Travis Bickle comes really, really close. There isn't much to be said about the performance. It is raw, vulnerable, and human, depicting what kind of fragile state one has to be in to succumb to the more brutal nature within their essence. Yes, Travis commits several brutal acts of violence and attempts to commit even worse atrocities, but the writing and DeNiro allow us to understand where he is coming from, ultimately making us question whether we should condemn him...or root for him.
  2. The setting of New York. To this day, I don't think I have ever seen the Big Apple depicted in such a bleak and unsettling way. Scorsese's direction and the cinematography do an excellent job of conveying the way Travis sees the city, which makes his character arc that much more impactful. In every great story, the setting could be a character in and of itself, and Scorsese makes damn sure to incorporate that into the film.
  3. Bernard Hermann's score.  To me, this score is just as important in capturing the essence of the film. The way it blends the smooth, peaceful sounds of the saxophone solo with that of the more bombastic sounds is something that is almost surreal. This being his final score before passing, Bernard Hermann really went out with a bang, crafting a score that will be timeless and irreplaceable. 
There is nothing in this film to really bring it down.

As I said, Taxi Driver is practically a masterpiece. I try not to make light of that term, but I can't think of many films that have hit all the right marks as this one does. It is a timeless tale that will remain relevant and influential for years to come. 

And that is it for this post, guys! Tune in for more coming your way and till then, take care :)

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Walking Dead Season 10: Death Predictions (SPOILERS)

The Walking Dead is about to return for its tenth season in less than a week. With that being said, a lot has changed since the last season. Thankfully, it has fallen into the capable hands of Angela Kang, so there is hope that the future will be bright. That being said, things are not looking so bright for our survivors as they face the evergrowing threat of the Whisperers. This will also be the season to mark the end of Danai Gurira's tenure on the show. In this post, I will go over who will survive Season 10, who I remain on the fence about, and those who I believe will perish. Let's begin:

Daryl Dixon Daryl
Carol Peletier Carol
Michonne Michonne
Aaron Aaron
Jerry Jerry
Siddiq Siddiq
Magna Magna
Yumiko Yumiko
Connie Connie
Judith Judith
Lydia Lydia

Negan Negan
Gabriel Stokes Gabriel
Rosita Espinosa Rosita
Eugene Porter Eugene

Ezekiel Ezekiel
Alden Alden
Alpha Alpha
Beta Beta

  • Laura: Debatable
  • Scott will die
  • Barbara: Debatable
  • Nora: Debatable
  • Mrs. Robinson: Debatable
  • Gracie will live
  • RJ will live
  • Earl: Debatable
  • Nabila will live
  • Bertie: Debatable
  • Kal will die
  • Oscar: Debatable
  • Marco: Debatable
  • Dianne will live
  • Luke will die
  • Kelly: Debatable
  • Cyndie will live
  • Rachel: Debatable
  • Gamma will die
  • Virgil: Debatable
And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more on the way and hopefully this show continues to improve with Season 10. Till then, take care :)