Thursday, July 30, 2020

Classic Reviews: The Wizard of Oz (SPOILERS)

Wizard of oz movie poster.jpg
There's No Place Like Home...

It is beloved by many as an all-time classic. Really, what more can be said? I remember watching The Wizard of Oz often with my family and how I walked along a path with my sister and cousin uttering "lions and tigers and bears oh my!" over and over before my dad jumped out from behind a tree roaring like a lion! Yeah, I, like so many others I imagine, have very fond memories of this film. That being said, I do recall finding it a little cheesy and as such was concerned my enjoyment of the film would be hampered substantially because of that. To my surprise, I not only found it enjoyable once again, but actually appreciate it even more for being so easy at putting a smile on my face. In short, there's a reason The Wizard of Oz is still beloved to this very day, and here's why:

  1. The characters. Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and so on and so forth...everyone knows them, everyone loves them. Each one of them is iconic and memorable for their own little reason, and all of them are important to keep the story moving forward. Of course, the standout for me is and always will be the Wicked Witch of the West. Everyone knows a good villain will always be a standout and the Witch is a picture-perfect example of that being the case.
  2. The songs. They range from beautiful and somber like "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" to joyous and whimsical like "You're off to see the Wizard." One thing I noticed about the songs in this viewing ("Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and all variations of "If I Only" in particular) is how they pretty much encapsulate the character arcs each member of the main group goes through. So not only are they iconic on a technical level, but they now hold thematic resonance in relation to the story, and that makes them more meaningful to me.  
  3. The blend of black and white and color. I can't even begin to imagine how jaw-dropping this must've been for audiences back when this movie first premiered. Still to this day, the way it's so seamlessly put together is an achievement that will not ever go unnoticed. 
  4. The overall message. Maybe a little dated in some aspects by today's standards, but I think the core point can still resonate with everyone. Over the course of the movie, Dorothy has been wondering, hoping, praying for this perfect place that she can run off to and be appreciated for being herself, the place over the rainbow so to speak. Of course, by the end, she realizes that not only did she have what she was looking for all along, but she also made a new family along the way. It really goes to show that no matter what you do or where you go, you are never alone in the journey you embark on, and you should always appreciate the things and people who are in your life, because at the end of the day, there really is no place like home. 
There's really nothing significant that brought the film down for me. 

The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic. I feel like it'll be one of those films that will somehow be viewed by families for generations to come, long after my life ends if may be so bold.

RATING: 9/10 - A

And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more coming your way and take care till then :)