Monday, March 20, 2017

Kong: Skull Island (SPOILERS)

Kong standing right front of the sun, near the hills and Soliders chasing him in the water.

The Eight Wonder of the World...

The story of King Kong is a legendary tale. It has been done time and time again. In 2017, the great ape has returned to the big screen once again, though instead of having the same story repeated once again, we were offered something a little different. For the most part, it worked, though there were a few flaws here and there. With that, I will go over what made Kong: Skull Island a success, and what didn't. 

  1. Kong. When it comes down to the most essential item of this film, I think the crew nailed this aspect, because the great ape is freaking awesome!!! Throughout this whole movie, Kong was quite the spectacle to behold (I can only imagine what it'd be like for this Kong to be in the big city,) all while kicking all sorts of ass along the way (he even eats a freaking octopus at one point.) Oh, and the best part is, unlike other versions, this Kong lives. That's right, he lives! I am looking forward to seeing this mighty beast again in future films. 
  2. The other monsters were also very cool creatures to behold. To imagine that there is an island filled with so many magnificent beasts would be quite spectacular (though living on that island would probably be a freaking nightmare.) I enjoyed their presence as much as I did Kong's. 
  3. John C. Reiley. As much as I enjoyed the rest of the cast (except one, which I'll get to in my downs,) Reiley easily stole the show (though not enough to overshadow Kong.) Throughout the movie, he portrayed a character with an arc that, while having been done a million times before, was done particularly well here. Not only did he provide some of the best comedy in the film, but he was also incredibly badass, and if there's one thing you can't go wrong with, it's a lovable badass, and I think Reiley really pulled that off spectacularly in this film. 
  4. The fact that this film knew what it was and made the most of it. This was a very fun adventure that I had a lot of fun experiencing, and all in all I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride that went all out and would not stop. Any movie that could make you feel like that is worth the watch in my book. 
  5. The post-credits teaser. That's right; the moment every fan has been waiting for has come at last: Kong and Godzilla will face off! Only this time, it's not just them. There's also Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. All I'm going to say is, get ready for the Monster Mash!
  1. The subplot with Toby Kebbell. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Kebbell as an actor, but he was wasted here. He was basically shambling around the jungle in what is basically a lone wolf situation, and while this introduces us to more of the cool creatures of Skull Island as well as showcase Kong's badassery (it is here where we see him dine on some raw calamari,) it adds nothing to the plot and is nothing more than filler, which is solidified when he dies. And one more thing: what was that accent???
  2. The fact that it's hard to remember any of the characters' names. Seriously, the only way you're going to remember who's who in this movie is by knowing who their actor is or the fact that their characters are basically monster movie stereotypes. Other than that, be prepared to go "oh no, r.i.p...what was his name again?" half the damn time, cause that's what's going to happen.
Kong: Skull Island is a very fun movie. It's not as good as Logan was and it's not the best Kong movie either (that honor goes to Peter Jackson's 2005 version.) Nonetheless, I enjoyed it, and if you're looking for a movie to have an absolute blast watching, I'd suggest you go give it a shot.

Well that's it for this blog, guys. Next time, I'll review Beauty and the Beast.   

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