Friday, April 13, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8: 5 Characters Most Likely to Die in the Finale (SPOILERS)

This is it! All Out War is officially about to come to a close. Season 8 has been one heck of a roller coaster this entire year. It had an incredibly fast-paced beginning to the first half until it started to sag towards the end before hitting what appeared to be the show's ultimate rock bottom...until the second half swooped in to save the day. Overall, this season has done a lot to change the direction of the show as we know it, with Morgan crossing over into the world of Fear The Walking Dead, the Commonwealth from the comics possibly being introduced, and, of course, the death of Carl Grimes. Overall, the future has never been more uncertain, and it's even more unclear as to how All Out War comes to a close and, more importantly, who will make it out alive? With so much to consider, I give my predictions as to who will bite the dust as the smoke clears on this grand final battle, but before I do that, let me first do a quick breakdown of the ones who will surely make it out alive and those who are up in the air, to say the least...

  • Rick
  • Daryl
  • Maggie
  • Michonne
  • Carol
  • Morgan
  • Rosita
  • Aaron
  • Jesus
  • Ezekiel
  • Enid
  • Siddiq
  • Dianne 
  • Nabila
  • Judith
  • Gracie
  • Henry
  • Cyndie (if she shows up at least)
  • Tara
  • Negan
  • Gregory
  • Jadis
  • Alden
  • Jerry
  • Any given Alexandrian, Hilltopper, Kingdomer, Savior, and/or Oceansider (if they choose to show up)
Now onto the list:

Related image 5. Scott: One of the recurring Alexandrians who outlasted his comic counterpart by a longshot, I feel that this will be the place for Scott to go, being one of the first major casualties in the surprise attack by the Saviors.

Image result for The Walking Dead Wrath Kal  4. Kal: The only character that I can predict for sure is a goner, it seems that Kal is being set to receive his comics death. Not much more to say, but you won't be seeing him for much longer.

Related image 3. Dwight: Heading into the major leagues now, we've got Dwight, who was a wild card for me throughout the entire time he's been on. From how it seems, he's not in a good place at the moment, and while there is always a chance for him making it out, the chances don't seem high. I hope he gets to prove how far he's come before he bites the bullet. 

Image result for The Walking Dead Wrath Gabriel 2. Gabriel: Poor Gabriel been through absolute Hell this season. The guy just really can't catch a break. Like Dwight, things aren't balanced in his favor. To be fair to the both of them, they fare much better than my number one pick...

Image result for The Walking Dead Wrath Eugene 1. Eugene: Eugene's been a particularly frustrating character this season. While I've always held onto the hope that joining Negan was a ploy, these last few episodes have broken my confidence in that being the case. There's still a chance, and even if his treachery is genuine, he'll probably change if the survivors decide to lock him up, but if a major character is set to die in this finale (and I assume there will,) then the mullet-wearing Judas has got to go. 

And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more coming your way :)

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