Friday, May 18, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War (50TH POST/SPOILERS)

Avengers Infinity War poster.jpg

It has all lead to this. The moment we've all been waiting for. The culmination of ten years worth of moviemaking. The MCU has come along way since it began with Iron Man way back in 2008, and now we have reached the point where everything will change. After years of planning, years of build-up, the Mad Titan Thanos has finally arrived, and with him comes the greatest challenge Earth's Mightiest Heroes have ever faced. With all this hype that's lead to this moment, the question remains: did it live up to the hype? The short answer is one big YES!!! This movie not only met expectations, but it exceeded them. Now let's find out what makes Infinity War stand the test of time:

  1. You'd think that when you have a movie with as many characters as Infinity War, it would almost be expected for at least some of them to be pushed to the side in favor of others. Surprisingly, that is not the case here. Every character gets a chance to shine, even if it's for a couple of minutes. There's not a moment where everyone feels wasted, and it really does help that we got to know these characters since this all started. Overall, I was immensely pleased and impressed with how each character's role was handled, and it gives me hope that movies like this one can indeed work.
  2. The tone is, to quote Thanos, perfectly balanced. It still retains the trademark humor that the MCU is so well known for (and this movie could possibly hold some of the funniest jokes in the entire franchise,) but unlike other movies, this one manages to go to dark places; the darkest the MCU has ever gone as a matter of fact. For one, characters actually die, and the fight the heroes endure is one where you're not too sure they could win. In the end, they don't, and there is no clear way to be sure where they could go from here. 
  3. The surprise cameos. While we had all the other characters to focus on, the movie manages to throw in a few surprise faces to leave a mark. The one who takes the cake though is obviously the FREAKING RED SKULL! It was speculated, but who honestly would've outright expected him of all people to show up? Not me, certainly. Overall, this was one of the many pleasant surprises to populate this enormous film.
  4. Before I get to the big moment, I think I should address the best element (or character rather) of this whole movie: THANOS HIMSELF! Despite all the time we spend with the heroes, this is the Mad Titan's story first and foremost, and he truly went above and beyond in delivering on the long build-up to his ultimate moment. What can I say about him; he's menacing, intimidating, has a great CGI design, a powerful performance by Josh Brolin, and he manages to be a full, engaging, three-dimensional character with a goal and motivation that makes him seem like he could be the hero...minus the mass genocide, of course. Oh, and he wins. HE WINS! That alone sets him above all the other villains the MCU has had to offer, and he could become one of the best villains in Marvel movie history. 
  5. Snap! If there is one thing that I never thought they would do, it was that. It just seemed like such a hard decision to make that the fact that they did it and killed off half the cast is something that is totally worth applauding. It remains to be seen how much of Avengers 4 will undo this, but what remains for now is that the MCU is changed...forever. 
Other than the fact that I am not to eager to see Avengers 4 (mainly because of the reason stated above,) I have no doubts to discuss. I enjoyed practically everything, and that's all I could say. 

Avengers: Infinity War is, quite honestly, almost a perfect movie. This is everything I could've asked for when going into this, and I think it may rival Spider-Man as my favorite Marvel movie ever (it definitely runs far and away with the title of best MCU movie, that's for sure). I hope Avengers 4 doesn't reverse everything and basically make it out like it didn't happen. Fingers crossed...

And that is it for my 50TH POST! Can't believe I have made it this far. To everyone who has taken the time to check out my posts, I just want to say THANK YOU! I wouldn't have gotten this far without your viewership, which I greatly appreciate. With that being said, take care and let's reach 100 :)

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