Monday, January 28, 2019

Retro-Reviews: Spider-Man (PS4/SPOILERS)

When you help someone, you help everyone...

If you've followed this blog or know me at all, then it's practically common knowledge by now that I am a huge fan of Spider-Man, or at least Peter Parker. That being said, what isn't clear to many is what I consider to be the perfect Spider-Man story, or at least the one that I think is the best and my all-time favorite. For a while, I actually didn't have one. Each Spider-Man story had their strengths and weaknesses, some better than others, but all had something to like about them, at least for me. I couldn't really give you a definitive answer...that is, until I played this game. When I first saw all the advertising, I was intrigued by what I saw, but unfortunately, being someone who primarily played on Xbox, I wasn't too keen on investing in a PS4 for one single game, so it seemed like I would never get the chance to play through it. Well, my birthday changed all that :) As I played through, my love for the game grew tremendously the more I swung through New York City and became immersed in the story and characters of Peter's world. By the time I finished, I didn't feel like I was playing as Spider-Man, I felt like I was the web-slinger himself. Overall, this game is for me the perfect Spider-Man story and would easily be the best movie if it ever were translated to screen, so let's dive into why I feel this way and address the one minor flaw to be found: 

  1. Spider-Man/Peter Parker is perfectly translated to this game. Not only is he perfectly designed and Yuri Lowenthal provides excellent voicework, but the developers of this game have simply nailed the core aspect of this character. He is funny, likable, and relatable in all the right ways, and what really makes him stand out is his heroic and caring soul. This game really puts Peter through some really tough ordeals, and it's all the more rewarding to see him rise above the challenges he faces. As perfect as Spidey is though, he's not alone...
  2. His entire supporting cast were nailed as well. MJ takes a much more active role in this game than she has ever had in any other medium, while J. Jonah Jameson is never seen but always felt thanks to the bombastic and hilarious podcasts that turn up multiple times during the game. Likewise, Harry Osborn isn't present in the game, but the side missions involving him make him feel as if he is just as involved in the story as anyone else...until you realize that he does in fact play a VERY important part, one that will no doubt play out further in the future. Ultimately, the real standouts for me are Miles and Aunt May. Miles has gotten quite the track record as of late, and this game provides him his own origin story while also having him play a part in the overarching narrative, sharing touching moments with Peter that really play on the dynamic these two characters will share later on. Now, as for Aunt May, well...we'll get to her...
  3. Spidey's rogues gallery gets superb treatment as well. To start off, Norman Osborn is present in this game, and while he isn't donning any green yet, he still retains his devious, ruthless businessman persona while also holding a touch of humanity within him. Furthermore, the Sinister Six are given awesome designs and fun boss battles that make them entertaining adversaries to face, but the real masters of villainy here are the game's primary antagonists: Doc Ock and Mister Negative. To date, this may be the best interpretation of the Master Planner that we've had since Alfred Molina's take in Spider-Man 2, largely due to his fleshed out character arc, personal relationship to Peter, and the fact that the game does a tremendous job of making you feel for him, almost to the point where you are dreading the moment he starts to become who we all know he's destined to be. Overall, these villains join the incredibly large cast of wonderfully crafted characters that this game presents. 
  4. The whole world of New York City. Swinging through this city is one of the most awe-inspiring things to do in this game, as there is so much detail put into every aspect of this large world that you could easily get lost swinging around. 
  5. The emotion....good lord, the emotion! What really sets this game apart from others for me is that it is filled to the brim with genuine, heartfelt emotion. No where is this more clear than when Peter makes the gut-wrenching choice to let Aunt May die (yes SHE DIES!!!) so that the rest of the city can be saved. Throughout the game, you will feel joy and despair, you'll laugh and you'll cry, and all the while, you'll be playing through the whole thing with a big smile on your face. 
  1. Some side missions get a little repetitive and boring. Of particular note is the ones where you have to match a bunch of electrical pieces together and the warehouse battles where you face up to six waves of enemies. Every once in a while, they're not so bad, but they really don't make you want to do it multiple times throughout. 
Spider-Man (PS4) is practically a video game masterpiece, a word I try not to use lightly. If you love Spider-Man just as much as I do, then this game is the right fit for you.

And that's it for this post, guys. Tune in for more on the way :)

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