Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Retro-Reviews: Game of Thrones: The Final Season (SPOILERS)

Several main characters in the shape of the Iron Throne in the snow

2019 seems to be the year of endings. Be it the Infinity Saga of the MCU or the Sequel Trilogy of Star Wars, there are many big stories that have reached their final chapter. Among them is Game of Thrones, which returned after having a whole year and a half off to develop the final season. Anticipation was through the roof, and now that it's all wrapped up, how have things held up? Well...if this was anything to go by, you'd be damn sure to believe what Ramsay Bolton had to say all those years back, and I'm not talking about the end of the show itself. Simply put, I have never seen such an uproar from a fanbase as I have with the final season of Game of Thrones. I almost was considering not even reviewing it because it may just be better to just let it all go to rest...but I ultimately decided that it needed to be done. Without further adieu, let's get into my very mixed reaction towards the conclusion of one of my favorite TV shows of all time:

  1. Emilia Clarke! While she was never a bad actress, it was clear that she wasn't as strong as some of the other actors like Peter Dinklage or Lena Headey. That all changed this season. While there were issues with the progression of Dany's arc, Clarke played the part so masterfully and portrayed Dany's descent into madness so convincingly that it could almost be forgiven.
  2. ARYA FREAKING STARK! If there was one character that was given the best treatment this season, it was definitely Arya. After three whole seasons of being thrown through the wringer with lackluster storylines, Arya was finally given her time to shine...and boy did she ever. Not only did she manage to save the world by killing the freaking Night King, but she was also able to overcome her lust for vengeance in favor of being able to live her life the way she truly wanted to. Her being reunited with the Hound also allowed for a touching scene that brought both their arcs full circle, and out of every character, I think her story had the most satisfying ending. Overall, it's nice to know at least one character managed just fine at the end of it all.
  3. The visuals, direction, and music. I don't usually discuss technical aspects in my reviews, but I have to admit, this season really was something to behold. It's clear that this is why it took extra long for this season to come out. Everything is just so gorgeous to look at that you can't believe you're watching a television show at times. I mean, come on, how epic is this shot?
  1. IT'S TOO DAMN SHORT! Back when it was announced that the final two seasons would be shortened, I had my concerns. I hate to say that my fears were sadly realized. Season 7 spent its seven episodes setting up everything that happens in this season, and as a result we have things moving at a breakneck speed that hurts the narrative more than it helps. The rushed storytelling only serves to make the story feel nonsensical, character arcs ring hollow, and the ending anticlimactic. It's unfortunate that what could have been an epic endgame feels so empty because the showrunners did not put in the time needed to make it all work. 
The final season of Game of Thrones is a frustrating mixed bag for me. I don't hate what I saw. I actually really liked it. It's just that I wished things were given more time to breath and flow so that I (and apparently everyone else) would feel more satisfied with the final product. I guess this is just one of those times where I shouldn't be angry over how Game of Thrones ended, but rather glad that I got to spend a good portion of my life with characters I enjoy and watching this show evolve into something great, even if there were several bumps in the road. At the end of the day, as long as there was something good to be taken from it, then at least one thing was done right. 

And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more coming your way :)

And now my Watch had Ended...

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