Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Retro-Reviews: Toy Story 4 (SPOILERS)

Toy Story 4 poster.jpg

Being there for a kid is the most noble thing a toy can do...

The Toy Story franchise holds a special place in the hearts of many. The original trilogy is easily one of the greatest there is, holding a lot of heart, emotion, and all around fun for the whole family to enjoy. It also had one of the most perfect endings to a story ever, so when it was announced that a fourth film would be released, there were obviously concerns. I myself thought that this being Toy Story would mean that it would at least be enjoyable if not something that would be treasured the way the first three are. Once I saw it, I, like many others, do feel it is the weakest of the four but nowhere near as bad as many of those more bitter about the announcement would believe it to be. Let's get into why Toy Story 4 was worth the release, and why, if necessary, it wasn't:

  1. For starters, the animation. It's come a long way from the first movie to say the least. Just take that sequence in the rain! Absolutely gorgeous. 
  2. The new characters were welcome additions. I wasn't sure how I felt about Forky at first, but as the movie progressed, he ended up being one of the best characters in the movie let alone the entire series. Likewise, Ducky and Bunny were a perfect comic relief duo who are the centerpiece of easily the funniest moment in the series. Then there's Duke Caboom, and can I say more about how great he is? YES I CANADA!!! Alas, I'll leave it there and continue on to the next three characters who shared the greatest spotlight. 
  3. The arc of Gabby Gabby. When you compare her to the other villains, it almost seems cruel to call her one despite the fact that she does several morally questionable things in her quest to accomplish her goals. Still, it's easy to root for her once the extent of her pained and broken nature is out in the open. Once she is able to find herself a kid who will love and cherish her, you can't help but shed a tear at how happy it is to see things go right for her. 
  4. The return of Bo Peep. One of the advantages this movie had was being able to tie up any loose ends that weren't wrapped up in the third movie; most glaring of all the whereabouts of Woody's old flame. While it was great seeing her return, it was even better to see them give her a complete revamp on her character. In the place of her previous characterization, Toy Story 4 shows off Bo's more adventurous and active lifestyle, allowing us to see a different side that adds new layers and not only makes her a better character but one that has a clear impact on Woody's arc. Speaking of which...
  5. After leaving this movie, it's easy to see that this movie was made to offer a fitting conclusion to the story of Woody. It was really interesting to see that as Bonnie began to divert her attention to other things, Woody started to question his purpose in life, making it his mission to make Bonnie's life happy even when he himself is not. It makes it all the more emotional when he helps Forky see the meaning behind being there for a child (which gives him newfound purpose,) offer Gabby Gabby a chance to find her happy ending, and finally choose to stay with Bo and her friends to go on adventures of their own. While the ending itself may not hit as hard as the one in Toy Story 3, it still packs the punch when you see Woody say goodbye to his old friends which leads to the fact that this may very well be the last time we ever see the old gang together again. At least we have the assurance that even though Woody will no longer be with Buzz, Jesse, and the others, they will still hold a place in his heart. 
  1. Though we managed to get the emotional goodbye scene at the end, the fact of the matter is that the other toys were sidelined for the most part. While it can be justified considering this movie focused more on the culmination of Woody's journey as well as introducing the other toys, it is still jarring to see characters like Jesse placed in the background and showcased for a single scene or so. Buzz had it better than the others for sure, but even he feels like a bit of an afterthought in the grand scheme of things. Still, what we got from Buzz was great and of course the ending made up for the lack of screentime the others were given. 
Toy Story 4 is the kind of movie that didn't need to happen but at the end of the day, almost no one is complaining that it did. For that, even though it may not be as revered as the first three, it will stand by them with pride. 

And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more on the way :)

To Infinity and Beyond...

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