Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Greatest Showman (SPOILERS)

The Greatest Showman poster.png

“The noblest art is that of making others happy”
P.T. Barnum

Well the year of 2017 is about to come to an end. For my final review of the year, I will talk about a movie that, for all intents and purposes, just did a damn good job at making me feel good! The Greatest Showman may not be the greatest movie that this year has had to offer, but I still found it to be an enjoyable little flick that was a worthy way to cap off the year. And here's why:

  1. Hugh Jackman was great as P.T. Barnum. With this movie and Logan, this was a big year for Jackman. If anything, this movie proves to me that he may be one of the most, if not the most, talented actors of our current generation. He sings, he dances, and he acts, all at once. If he really wanted to, Jackman's presence alone is enough to carry an entire film.
  2. The rest of the cast is great too, and while Jackman does overshadow them just a bit, they still give the best they got. Standouts are Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, and last but certainly not least Keala Settle. 
  3. The music is hands down the best part of the whole movie. Every single song is catchy, moving, and oh so entertaining. Literally one of the greatest soundtracks to any movie, period! Listen to it here.
  1. It was incredibly rushed. I understand this movie mainly focuses on Barnum and his story, but I feel there could have been a little more fleshing out in parts, such as the moments chronicling his life from childhood to adulthood and how he and his wife sealed their relationship. This also pertains to the other characters, who definitely could have used some extra layers and development to make them fully fledged, Zac Efron's character in particular. All in all, some expansion would've been handy here.
I enjoyed The Greatest Showman. I don't think I could've asked for a better way to cap off the year.

And that's my last review of 2017, guys. Check out my Best of 2017 post which I will be posting next! 

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