Friday, December 8, 2017

Why Leia Must Die in The Last Jedi (SPOILERS...AND TEARS)

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a young actress graced the screen to bring one of the most beloved fictional female characters to one of the most beloved franchises of all time. That woman was Carrie Fisher, and her character is Princess Leia Organa. One of the most important central characters of the Star Wars franchise, Leia won audiences over with her courageous spirit and powerful heart. Several years later, she returned to the screen in The Force Awakens, where it was apparent that that heart had not left. Unfortunately, in 2016, a big loss was suffered in the form of Carrie Fisher, and the Space Princess was lost before she could complete the entire trilogy. Despite that, Leia remains an integral part to The Last Jedi, and ultimately this role will have a huge emotional resonance with so many people. Now of course, how can they send Leia off now that she will no longer be with us? While there's always the possibility of writing her off in a way that makes sense, I feel death, as tragic as it may be, may be the most logical course of action. Here are five reasons as to why I feel that way:

See the source image 5. Carrie Fisher's passing: This was obviously going to make the list, so I figured I'd start off with it. It is tremendously tragic and heartbreaking to know that this phenomenal woman has lost her life, and I can't imagine what it's going to be like with her gone. Ultimately, keeping Leia alive past Last Jedi may do some damage to the final conclusion of the new trilogy because if she's alive, then she must be there; she must have a part to play that isn't alluded to or mentioned through lines. In the end, Episode IX may prove to be a fantastic conclusion to the story, but with Leia alive and not present, something will be missing.

Image result for the last jedi luke skywalker in the rain 4. It will be an emotionally powerful moment for Luke: Luke seems to be in a dark place right now. He's lost all faith in the Jedi, his best friend is dead, and he is hesitant to train Rey. What will really throw him over the edge is the death of his sister. All in all, this will truly push the boundaries of the direction Luke takes and it will be intriguing to see where he goes from there.

See the source image 3. And Kylo: Where to begin with Kylo Ren? He really rocked the fanbase in so many ways, and I think he's not finished just yet. The Last Jedi will be just as much of a deciding factor for where Kylo goes just as much as it will be for Luke, and the tip of that iceberg will be, well, Leia's death. In the end, the death of his mother (whether by his own hand or someone else's) will show where Kylo truly stands in all of this.

See the source image 2. It will put The Last Jedi in a league of its own: The Last Jedi is highly anticipated, and there are several Empire Strikes Back vibes coming from it. What better way to settle that deal than to kill off one of its most integral characters? It can't get any darker and harrowing than that!

See the source image 1. It will be the most emotionally devastating moment in the entire franchise: Like I said, it can't get more darker than killing off an important character, especially someone like Leia. Not only will it devastate the fanbase; it will utterly crush them. If Han Solo's death was bad, then Leia's death will add the salt to a gruesomely nasty wound. At least they'll be together again though :)

Ultimately, killing Leia off in my opinion would be the best course of action when dealing with a situation like this. How likely it is to happen is anyone's guess considering the fact that Leia had an apparently huge part to play in Episode IX, but I will wrap this post up to say thank you Carrie Fisher for everything you've done. You are a terrific actress and may you forever live on in the stars.

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