Saturday, December 9, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok (SPOILERS)

There has been massive hype surrounding this one. Many consider it the best Thor movie of all time, and then there are those who consider it the best MCU movie, period. Now, the MCU so far has been killing it with their movies, and earlier this year they've produced two stellar entries in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming, so where does this one stand? Honestly, while it's still a decent movie overall, I consider it vastly overrated. And here is why: 

  1. Loki and Heimdell steal the show. Loki's been a massively popular character in the MCU for the longest time, but I think he at is best when he collides with his brother. As a result, I feel this was one of his finest outings in the franchise. As for Heimdell, he was the real hero of the story. Plain and simple. 
  2. The rest of the cast was great too. Chris Hemsworth continues to be great as Thor even if the character himself isn't all that great this time around, Cate Blanchett as Hela is incredibly fierce and intimidatiing, Jeff Golblum channels his inner...well, Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster, Mark Ruffalo brings out more heart and depth to the Hulk (who gets to talk this time around) and Bruce Banner, and Tessa Thompson is just great as Valkyrie, probably the best new character to come out of the movie. Oh, and then there's Korg...
  3. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin was a great addition to the movie and made the scenes it featured more entertaining than they already were. 
  4. When this movie was actually dark and serious. Seriously, I enjoyed the movie a lot more when it tapped into its dark side, and when it did...boy, was it effective! Let's do a quick recap: Odin and the Warriors Three die, Asgard is destroyed, and Thor LOSES HIS FUCKING EYE!!! Yeah, who could expect that?! 
  5. Finally, that Stan Lee cameo was glorious! 
  1. The humor wasn't the best. Usually, this is an element of the MCU that makes their movies so fun to watch, but it feels like they were trying too hard here. I feel like a few jokes here and there would have been good, but it is so oversaturated with comedy that it clashes with the serious parts of the movie, making the tone of the film incredibly uneven.
  2. Hela's backstory wasn't particularly interesting and her role wasn't utilized to its full effect. The reveal of her being Odin's daughter (and thus Thor's half-sister) was interesting but went nowhere, and I feel her motives for laying waste to Asgard and the Nine Realms could have been fleshed out just a little bit more. Thankfully, it seems she's not completely dead, so there may be hope in the future for more...
  3. Were we supposed to care about Skurge? It was obvious that they were going to set up an arc of some sort for him to go through, but it just went through the motions and ultimately there was no payoff, which was particularly frustrating in the grand sendoff they gave him, which would have had some impact if we actually cared...
  4. The post credit scenes weren't that great either. I get that the first one was basically Thor and co being captured by Thanos, but it ended so abruptly that there was no time to exactly ingest it, and I honestly feel a scene like that would have worked better as a cliffhanger to the whole movie instead. As for the other scene, it has absolutely no bearing to anything in the movie whatsoever that it really makes you wonder why they even put it there in the first place. We could have easily gotten some solid setup for Infinity War in that alloted time.
  5. Honestly, there was no emotional investment for anything whatsoever. Although I mentioned Odin and the Warriors Three's deaths in the UPS section, that doesn't mean that I found them to be the best, because they just came and went with little to no bearing of anything (Fandral and Volstagg don't even get a line to speak). Overall, considering that these were characters who were integral to the Thor movies up until this point, you'd expect there to be at least something to come out of it.
Thor: Ragnarok was the most disappointing movie I have seen so far if I may be so honest. There were elements to enjoy from it, but I feel something better was buried within this movie, and that is why I was expecting more. I do not think it's bad at all, but it's certainly not the best and I just wasn't thrilled with it. 

Well that's it for this blog, guys! Tune in for more posts coming along :)

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