Wednesday, August 29, 2018

An Update on the Direction and Future of Jake's Blog of Entertainment

A short post, but one that I feel was necessary to make. Now to get one thing out of the way, the blog is not going anywhere anytime soon and will be continuing on for as long as I see fit. That being said, outside commitments have forced me to not be as active as I should. To accommodate this, I have looked for new ways to find the right balance. And they are as follows:
  1. I will post a review for only one movie each month as opposed to reviewing nearly every movie I see. This generally means that if these particular movies move me in a way that makes me feel like they deserve special recognition, then expect a review to be posted. This way I will be able to offer up a more honest and detailed response and not something that was rushed out so I could move onto the next post. These will start either next month or the month after, with the review posted at the end of the month.
  2. Each month I will post a review of a movie from the past that I would like to give my thoughts on. These will be called Retro-Reviews, and expect these to start up next month or the month after alongside the current movie reviews. For these, I will usually pick a movie of my choosing to review, but I am open to any suggestions from you guys, which you can drop off here in the comment section below. This could also include other forms of media, such as TV Shows (whether it be individual seasons or a full series overview,) comics, and video games. Retro-Reviews will be posted at the midpoint of each month.
  3. In The Mind Of is where I give my overall thoughts on a particular character in the realm of fiction. Same as Retro-Reviews, it will be a character of my choosing, but I am open to any suggestions that you can leave here. 
  4. Due to conflicts, a gradual decline in its popularity, and my evergrowing frustration with the show itself, I will be limiting the amount of Walking Dead posts I make to simply reviews for the current season and possibly past seasons for Retro-Reviews, character spotlights for In The Mind Of, and three Top 10 Lists for moments, episodes, and characters once I give the first eight seasons a rewatch (whether I count future seasons will be determined in the future.) Now that's not to say I will be doing this just for The Walking Dead; I will generally be posting lists and predictions less frequently as time goes, instead saving them for special occasions. 
And that's it for this post, guys. As always, tune in for more posts coming your way and be sure to leave any suggestions that you have here in the comments below :)

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