Sunday, September 16, 2018


Alpha (film).jpg


It may not be well-known to many, but out of all the movies that I was anticipating post-Infinity War, one that stood out at the top was, I will admit, a very unusual choice. Obviously, that movie was Alpha, and what I could basically boil my anticipation down to was a love for dogs and how touching I found the first trailer. While the marketing for this movie did it no favors, let me give my definitive answer about how I feel about this movie: I absolutely, positively LOVED IT! It was everything I could want it to be, and I dare say that this may be my absolute favorite movie of the year so far (yes, even more than Infinity War.) Now let's get into why:

  1. The cinematography is stunning. The attention to detail in every single shot is spectacular and is just a glorious sight to behold. I really felt like I was transported back to this time period as the visuals were so authentic in their realism.
  2. Acting-wise, this movie is on top form. Each actor puts in a stellar performance and really makes the most of what they are given. If I had to pick a standout, it would have to be Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, who does so well portraying a proud tribal leader who remains headstrong for his people, yet at the end of the day proves he is a father first, which is where the real meat of his performance shines through. 
  3. Like the first trailer proved, this is a touching tale. It is easy to invest in the bond that grows between Keda and the wolf, promptly named "Alpha," and the movie does a great job making you care about them and hope for the best as they endure a long and treacherous journey. All of this capped off by the ending, which has a truly unexpected and downright delightful twist that I dare not spoil. 
I couldn't find anything of note to consider a major flaw in this movie.

Alpha is hands down the best movie I have seen this year so far, and that is saying a lot. I think it was just what I needed and I am so grateful to have experienced it.

And that is it for this post, guys. Tune in for more along the way :)

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