Friday, November 30, 2018

Bohemian Rhapsody (SPOILERS)

Bohemian Rhapsody poster.png

Among the Beetles and the Rolling Stones, Queen is a British rock band many won't soon forget, so it's fitting that we get a movie about them. However, reviews have been rather divisive, with many praising Rami Malak's performance while criticizing the movie for being a cliché and generic biopic with a ton of inaccuracies. With that being said, what were my thoughts? Personally, I absolutely loved Bohemian Rhapsody, and here's why:

  1. Rami Malak. Even if this movie was an utter disaster, I think he would still be its silver lining. He may not be a spitting image of Freddie Mercury, but in his performance he embodies the icon in every single way. He really captures the essence of this man, who lived a fulfilling yet troubled life, and we adore him, feel for him, and are outright amazed by him. It really is a performance to remember, maybe even the performance of the year for me. 
  2. The music. Of course I cannot write a review for a movie about Queen without mentioning their music, and I think this movie gives the right amount of exposure. They capture every famous hit and show how some of them were made. The making of "Bohemian Rhapsody" is a particular highlight. If you're going in expecting to hear many of the band's greatest hits, then you're definitely in the right place. 
  3. The Live Aid Concert sequence. Aside from Rami Malak, this was the moment that had all the people talking and for good reason. It is the absolute best way to close out this movie and a truly glorious spectacle to behold. I don't have any words to describe it. You just need to see it for yourself. 
There was nothing in this movie that really brought it down for me.

Bohemian Rhapsody was a great movie, definitely a contender for best of the year for me. It may not be completely accurate to Mercury and the band's lives, but it's still a worthy way to commemorate their legacy, and I'm sure anyone who loves the band will find it enjoyable. 

And that's it for this blog, guys. Tune in for more on the way :)

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