Monday, November 26, 2018

In The Mind Of: Rick Grimes (SPOILERS)

Image result for Rick Grimes

With The Walking Dead's ninth season entering its midseason hiatus, I feel that now would be a good time to reflect on the show's former main character. For the past eight seasons, Rick was the centerpiece of the story; the one we were meant to follow as this show took us on a journey through his eyes. For those eight seasons, we watched a man grow from a young, idealistic sheriff into a more hardened, determined, and at times ruthless survivor. He became a man who would do whatever it takes to protect his family and his group, and even with that noble goal in mind, he was often tested on how far he'd go to make sure that was the case. His humanity began being put into question, and I was often questioning whether we were seeing our protagonist morph into a villain. At the end of the day, though, he was always able to bounce back from every hurdle he's faced and was ultimately able to make a new safe haven a reality for his people. 

By the end, Rick was someone who, while losing everything that defined his past (including his wife, son, and best friend,) was able to find new meaning in this dark and treacherous world. Andrew Lincoln brought a true humanity to the role and it's going to be hard to watch the show without him. That being said, he has survived his final episode, so while we may never see him return to the show, his story is far from over. 

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