Friday, April 22, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Death Predictions (SPOILERS)

With "Game of Thrones" Season 6 vast approaching, you know that there will be LOTS of death coming. In this blog, I will be going over who I think will win this season, and who will die, starting with:
  •  Jon Snow: Simply put, he will come back, and when he does, I'm sure he'll stick around to the end.
  •  Daenerys Targaryen: Like Jon, I'm sure Dany is safe from harm and will stick around to the end to claim what is hers.
  •  Tyrion Lannister: Honestly, there's no way they'll kill Tyrion off this season. He's too smart and will likely play the game till the end.
  •  Cersei Lannister: Although she really has it coming, I don't think this is Cersei's time yet as she is due for some much needed revenge.
  •  Jaime Lannister: Like his sister/lover, Jamie is due for some revenge, so I think he's safe.
  •  Margaery Tyrell: I highly doubt it, as like the Lannisters, Margaery's due for some revenge as well. 
  •  Littlefinger: I don't think so, but he should certainly get some form of karma this season.
  •  Sansa Stark: I think Sansa has a major part to play this season, so no.
  •  Stannis Baratheon: Even though it wasn't shown, I'm almost 100% sure that he's dead, especially after what he did.
  •  Melisandre: Although she should certainly pay for what she did, I think she can redeem herself this season and find a way to make it out alive.
  •  Davos Seaworth: Like Sansa, I think Davos will have a major part to play this season, so no.
  •  The Boltons: These two are DEFINITELY in need for some karmic justice, and since it appears that ALL the Northerners are rallying together, I feel their days are numbered.
  •  Bran Stark: I highly doubt they'll kill Bran off, especially since he's been absent for a whole season.
  •  Arya Stark: Like her siblings, I am certain that Arya is safe from harm this season. I mean, what more damage could be done to this poor girl?
  •  Theon Greyjoy/Reek: Sadly, this could be his time, but if it is, then he certainly has to take Ramsay down with him.
So those are the major players for this season, now for the rest: 
  • Olenna Tyrell will not die
  • The High Sparrow will die
  • Sam will not die
  • Tommen: Debatable 
  • Brienne will not die
  • Missandei will not die
  • Bronn will not die
  • Jorah will die
  • Varys will not die
  • Tormund will die
  • Daario will not die
  • Gilly will not die
  • Ellaria: Debatable
  • Jaquen H'Ghar will not die
  • Alliser Thorne will die
  • Walder Frey will die
  • Grey Worm: Debatable
  • Podrick will not die
  • Loras: Debatable
  • Doran: Debatable
  • Lancel will die
  • Qyburn will not die
  • Pycelle: Debatable
  • Osha will not die
  • Gregor will not die
  • Mace Tyrell will not die
  • The Blackfish will not die
  • Edmure will not die
  • Thoros of Myr will not die
  • Meera will not die
  • Yara will not die
  • Balon: Debatable
  • Ed: Debatable
  • Hodor will not die 
  • Kevan Lannister: Debatable
Well, that's it for these predictions, guys. I know there are more characters, but we'll just have to see what happens with them. Other than that, take care.

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