Sunday, April 24, 2016

Top 10 Characters from Game of Thrones (SPOILERS)

Today is the day, and like The Walking Dead, I will do a list of my Top 10 Favorite Characters from the show. Like the list for The Walking Dead, there will be deceased characters on this list. Now, onto the honorable mentions:
  • Jorah
  • Sam 
  • Davos
  • Margarey
  • Brienne
  • Tywin
  • The Hound
  • Oberyn
  • Robb
  • Robert
And here is the big runner up, because deep down, we all loved him.

Now for the actual list:

 10. Theon Greyjoy - Kicking off the list is someone that may surprise you. Although Theon is not the most well-liked of individuals, I can't help but admire his character. All he ever wanted was the love and approval of someone he could never get it from, and he realized too late that he already had the desired love he wanted. What followed after that certainly made everyone, even his haters, sympathize with him, but now that he's free from that Hell, I am certainly hoping that he'll be able to regain his lost glory and gain some much needed revenge.
 9. Sansa Stark - If anyone could rival Theon for having the most fucked up life in Westeros, it's this girl right here. Poor Sansa really just can't catch a break. She's lost half of her family, thinks the other half is dead, and has been betrothed to two of the most vile men in Westeros. However, like Theon, I think she'll regain her lost glory and gain some well deserved revenge.
 8. Eddard "Ned" Stark - Poor Ned. He always wanted to do what was right, which made him a very noble man and a great character to look up to. Sadly, however, he was just too in over his head (if you know what I mean.)
 7. Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish - Joffrey and Ramsay may lay claim to being the most vile villain, but this guy lays claim to being the most magnificent. EVERYTHING that's happened in this series can be laid back to him, and he does it with such suave and charm that you can't help but love him for it. I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to weed his way out to the very end.
 6. Jaime Lannister - Jaime is a fantastic character in that he first started out as a full-on bad guy, but as the series goes on, we get to know so much about him as he goes through so much shit that we learn to love him. In the end, Jaime proves to be a noble man, and hopefully he will become a true hero in the end.
 5. Cersei Lannister - Beating her brother out of the Top 5 is the Queen Bitch herself. As much as we love to hate her, we can't deny that Cersei is a marvelous character. Lena Headey does a great job invoking both hatred and sympathy in viewers, and all in all, she's just awesome.
 4. Daenerys Targaryen - Dany has come a long way. It is quite interesting see her rise to power over the course of the first four seasons, and while her subplot in Season 5 was one of the weakest parts, I still think she's a great character.
 3. Arya Stark - This girl is just AWESOME. I mean really, just watch this scene. Maise Williams is a fantastic actress who does a great job portraying her, and while her subplot in Season 5 was one of the weaker parts (like Dany's,) she's still freaking awesome, as exemplified by this.
 2. Tyrion Lannister - Here is someone that everyone loves. Tyrion is a great character in that he is someone anyone can look up to. He's been through Hell his entire life, yet he still manages to keep his wit and charm the entire way. Props to Peter Dinklage for his amazing acting in the part. So why is he at the #2 spot then? Simple, because he's not my all-time favorite. That honor goes to...
 1. Jon Snow - Jon is a great character because he is the one character that I consider to be the true hero of the story. He's brave, he's a leader, and he's made so many tough decisions that have shaped him into the man he is. I, like many, hope he returns, because we need him in the wars to come. Well, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

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