Sunday, April 3, 2016

Who Will Negan Kill? (SPOILERS)


Well, it's 2016, and while that means that it's the beginning of a new year, it also means it's time for yet another season of The Walking Dead to come to an end, and this isn't just no ordinary finale; no, in this finale, Negan arrives. That's right, the big bad, bat-swinging, f-bombing psychopath who has proven to be a worthy (and in the case of the comics superior) successor to the Governor is finally making his debut on the show. Every comic reader knows what that means for our survivors so it should be one hell of a finale (as long as they don't pull that goddamn cliffhanger bullshit.) Now, as I continue in this post, there will be MAJOR SPOILERS for the comic and the show, so if you don't want to continue reading, STOP RIGHT HERE.

Okay, now with that out of the way, let's get down to business: in the 100th issue of The Walking Dead comic book series, Negan makes his debut, and it is one of the most shocking, brutal, and downright heartbreaking moments in the entire series: when Rick and his group take down a couple of his men, a pissed-off Negan decides to take a little retribution and stop them while they're on the way to the Hilltop. From there, Negan takes his partner-in-crime, Lucille, and starts to play a game of eeny-meeny-miney-moe with the survivors until Lucille lands on everyone's favorite pizza boy, Glenn. What follows is a downright cruel and senseless death scene that leaves Glenn a shattered mess on the ground, right in front of his pregnant wife and adoptive daughter no less. It was completely unexpected and showed that Rick and the others had something to fear. Now, as the finale approaches, I thought I would give my thoughts on who I think will meet Lucille.

Now before I start going into the list here's who I think will NOT meet Lucille:
  • Rick
  • Carl
  • Michonne
  • Morgan
  • Judith
  • Jesus
  • Eugene
  • Rosita
  • Spencer
  • Gregory
Now here are some others that are possible, but unlikely:
  • Carol
  • Tara
  • Gabriel
  • Heath
  • Tobin
Now before I start, I want to say that these are the five candidates who I think are the most possible arranged from least likely to most likely, starting with:
 5. Maggie: Yeah, I think it's a possibility. Do I think it's likely? Not really, and the main reason is that Negan is many things, but a man who would kill women in such a barbaric way is not one of them. Plus, if the baby survives whatever she is going through right now, then I think she'll stick around to become more like her comic counterpart.
 4. Sasha: Like Maggie, I think she's possible but unlikely because I don't think Negan would go that far, so for now at least, she's safe.
 3. Aaron: Aaron was originally someone I thought was going to be safe for sure, but seeing him in the promos for the finale has got me concerned for him, especially if the showrunners decide to go for someone outside the core group of survivors (which would be a real cop-out.)
 2. Abraham: Abraham has been around for quite a bit and has received a lot of time this season, but seeing as though he's starting to shine as a key member of the group and has been spared his comic book death (at the expense of poor Denise,) I don't think it's his time yet, but you never know.

With those candidates out of the way, here's who I think is most likely to meet Lucille...
 1. Daryl and/or Glenn: Face it, it's going to be one of these two. Hell, it could be BOTH. Either way, their deaths will leave the biggest impact on not just the survivors, but on the entire fanbase in general. Besides, this death needs to be BIG, and really these two are the only ones capable of just that.

So there you have it. Now that that's out of the way, time to see how they pull this off. Check back later for more blogs, including a review for The Walking Dead Season 6 as well as new top 10 lists for Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and any revisions to previous lists. With that, take care.  

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