Monday, April 29, 2019

Shazam! (SPOILERS)

Shazam! theatrical poster.jpg

Say The Magic Word...

What more can I say about the DCEU? It has been quite the roller coaster to experience. There's a lot that can be unpacked in regards to that discussion, but to say it had a rocky start would be putting it very lightly. However, Wonder Woman proved that there was still potential for something great to come out of this universe, and while that wasn't fully realized in Justice League, Aquaman swooped in and proved that DC's biggest strength, at least for now, is in their solo outings. Now Shazam! has arrived and, at least for me, saved this ailing franchise. It's as if DC took everything they've learned from the past and gave us the result of that, which is for me the best movie in the DCEU so far. Now let's get into why that is the case:

  1. Billy Batson. Now the character of Shazam may not be as mainstream as the likes of Batman or Superman (I didn't really know much about him outside of Injustice,) but this movie may have pushed him out into the forefront, which is great because he may be one of the best, if not the all-time best, hero the DCEU has produced. What really sets him apart from the other heroes is that he is a child, so we see how that would play out when he is granted superpowers. It is also worth noting that Billy is given a very clear and profound character arc throughout the entire movie, which really makes his transition into a true hero by the end so much more powerful. Of course, none of this would be nearly as great without the performances from both Zachary Levi as the titular superhero and Asher Angel as young Billy himself. They both breathe life into this character, with Levi in particular selling the fact that he is, well, a kid with superpowers. For a character that I didn't know much about, this movie may have helped Shazam become one of my favorite superheroes ever. 
  2. The rest of the cast. Even though Levi and Angel are juggernauts by themselves, everyone else is great. I loved every character and it was nice that the movie included personal stories for each of them as well. Personally, I can't pick any standouts because every actor brings a lot of heart and emotion to their roles. However, there is one other character that I need to talk about, and that is...
  3. Doctor Sivana. A big part of why I wasn't as hyped for Shazam! at first was because the trailers positioned Sivana as another run-of-the-mill antagonist. Trailers being trailers, what I ended up discovering was that not only was Dr. Sivana a great villain, but he may just be my personal pick for the best villain in the entire DCEU, the reason being is that he has probably the most sympathetic backstory of any of the other villains and is just as developed as Billy is, which makes their conflict more personal and intriguing. All in all, I'm glad that he survived the film and especially love that he'll most likely be returning...with help from a little friend ;)
  4. The connections to the world of the DCEU. Yes, things haven't been perfect, but the fact that instead of outright ignoring it, the producers of Shazam! embrace the world the characters live in and connect it to the movie in subtle but clever ways is something that is genuinely appreciated by me. GET HIM BATMAN!
  5. Remember how I said in the opening that it seems like DC has learned from the past and applied that to this movie? Well, I gotta stand by that. For once, it feels like they are finally allowing directors the chance to express their own vision instead of having Warner Bros. jump in and tear it to shreds. It's clear that this movie was made with a lot of heart, care, and soul, and if things continue down this path, then the future is bright.
Nothing of particular note.

Shazam! is a breath of fresh air. A definite step in the right direction for DC and one that I hope leads to a promising and lasting future. You won't wanna miss it!

And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more coming your way :)

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