Sunday, May 19, 2019

Avengers: Endgame (SPOILERS)

Avengers Endgame poster.jpg

Part of the Journey is the End...

It all led to this. After 11 years of moviemaking, the MCU has brought us the true culmination of everything they have been building towards since it all began with Iron Man way back in 2008. After the emotional turmoil Infinity War put audience members through, it was up to the Avengers to settle the endgame and reverse the damage that had been done, whatever it takes. Now honestly, I couldn't formulate a full opinion until I saw it a second time because while I do think it offers up a truly satisfying conclusion to this story, it has a few issues that Infinity War didn't. Now let's get into what makes Endgame the perfect conclusion to the Infinity Saga and what doesn't:

  1. The movie is 3 hours long, and yet it never feels like it's completely bloated and breezes right through all the same. There's a lot to unpack in this film, and I feel that for the most part, the runtime allotted for it nicely. There were definitely some things that could have been trimmed down (some of which I will mention later,) but for a movie as big as this one, I think it worked just fine. 
  2. Though I have issues with the concept of time travel itself, it was great revisiting big moments from some of the other movies, particularly the Battle of New York and Peter Quill dancing to "Come and Get Your Love." There's also a couple of nice scenes where Tony is able to have a heart-to-heart with his father, which plays a big part in what is to come, same with Thor and his mother. Overall, while I feel the movie still falls under the issues of time travel, I think seeing these moments and taking a trip down memory lane was a real joy to behold. 
  3. The final battle. Yes, the big, grand, absolutely epic final battle that featured everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!!! Filled with so many fist-pumping moments and having every character get a chance to shine, it was incredible to see this pulled off, and I wonder if there will ever be a scene to top it. As of right now, all I can say is that it truly seems impossible!
  4. This being the end of the Infinity Saga, it also sees the end of several mainstays who've been there since the beginning. Thankfully, many characters get the proper conclusion to their arcs up to this point and have the seeds planted for future endeavors. Particular standouts, for me, are Nebula, Black Widow, and Captain America. To start off, Nebula has been a very intriguing character throughout the MCU ever since she debuted in Guardians of The Galaxy, and this movie sees the culmination of how far she's come since then. While there are issues regarding the scene where she kills her past self, it is a perfect symbolic moment that reinforces her development, and I look forward to where she will go in Guardians 3. Now Black Widow shocked me. I did not see her death coming, and while I think the way the scene played out was kinda ridiculous, I've come to see that this fits her character, as she has always tried to find ways to atone for her past, and taking the ultimate sacrifice so that half the universe could return is about as noble as you can get. Finally, Cap is one that really pleased me because given the buzz surrounding what seemed like his inevitable death, it was simply refreshing to see that not only did he survive, but he also was able to live out the life he always wanted, share that long awaited dance with Peggy Carter, and pass down the torch to Sam, who will now go off  on adventures with Bucky to carry on their old friend's legacy. Now, there were many great conclusions, but of course, there was one that managed to stand above the rest and deserve its own spot in the UPS section. Let's discuss it...
  5. "I love you 3000." At the end of the day, it was none other than Tony Stark who made the final sacrifice to ensure that the universe would be saved and everything would go back to normal. It was a perfect ending to a character who has shaped this franchise into what it has become and it really shows how far Tony has come since everything began way back in his first solo outing. Robert Downey Jr. gave it his all, and while the future still looks bright for the MCU, it will never be the same without him.
  1. While I thought the time travel was done well for the most part and offered up some nice moments that were mentioned in the UPS section, I still think there were issues that left me scratching my head in confusion. I know they tried to explain it off by saying the past wouldn't affect the future, but to what end? A lot happens in this movie that makes you wonder how everything pieces together, such as wondering what happens now that Nebula and Thanos from 2014 die in the present and 2014 Gamora is now running around as well. Does that mean Guardians of The Galaxy never happened, or it did but under drastically different circumstances? How about the fact that Cap went back to the past yet managed to return to where he was in the present, but this time as an old man, and where did he even come from? This could be me overthinking, but I've always had issues with time travel as a story concept given how incredibly complex it can get, and trying to comprehend it seems to make me even more confused than before.  
  2. The humor. While I thought Infinity War had some of the best humor in the MCU, here it was rather hit or miss. Particularly jarring was the jokes that went on for longer than they should, like where Hulk is offering to let Ant-Man take a picture with those kids and when Thor and Quill argue over who is in charge of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Some jokes were good, but sometimes the movie seems to indulge itself too much in the comedic side of things that it simply falls flat and leaves more of an eye roll than a chuckle.
  3. Okay, Cap wielding Thor's hammer was fine, but I felt him twirling it around and being able to shoot lightning was a bit of a stretch, at least in regards to the MCU (I'm not too familiar with how this moment plays out in the comics.) Yes, it was already alluded to in Age of Ultron, with many saying he was already worthy even then, but it just seems like it was too easy for him to become so skilled so fast.
Avengers: Endgame is a perfect conclusion to this grand and epic saga. Yes, there are flaws, but everything it accomplished is unbelievable. I still think I need some time to ponder how I truly feel about it, but for now, I can't be anything but satisfied and grateful that I was able to watch this universe unfold the way it did. I don't think anything can match the impact this franchise has left and will continue to make for years to come.

And that's it for this review, guys. Tune in for more along the way :)

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