Monday, May 13, 2019

Gotham Top 10s (SPOILERS)

With Gotham officially over, it's time to take a look back and do the usual top 10 bests. Without further delay, let's get into it:

Top 10 Moments
 10. "I'm the King of Gotham!" (Season 1 Episode 22 "All Happy Families Are Alike")
 9. "See you in Hell, Theo" (Season 2 Episode 20 "Unleashed")
Image result for Gotham Season 3 Finale Bruce and Ra's Al Ghul 8. Bruce meeting Ra's Al Ghul (Season 3 Episode 21 "Destiny Calling"/Season 3 Episode 22 "Heavydirtysoul") 7. Jerome revealing his true colors (Season 1 Episode 16 "The Blind Fortune Teller")
Image result for Gotham Season 2 Bruce spares Matches Malone The Ball of Mud and Meanness 6. Bruce sparing Matches Malone (Season 2 Episode 14 "This Ball of Mud and Meanness")
Image result for Gotham Season 3 Bruce vs Jerome Hall of Mirrors The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 5. Bruce sparing Jerome (Season 3 Episode 14 "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies")
Image result for Gotham Season 4 Jerome's death Jeremiah's birthImage result for Gotham Season 4 That's Entertainment Jeremiah
4. Jerome's death/Jeremiah going mad (Season 4 Episode 18 "That's Entertainment")
Image result for Gotham Season 5 Jeremiah falling into a vat 3. Jeremiah becoming the Joker (Season 5 Episode 7 "Ace Chemicals")
 2. Jeremiah shooting Selina (Season 4 Episode 21 "One Bad Day")
 1. Batman (Season 5 Episode 12 "The Beginning...")

Top 10 Episodes
Image result for gotham all happy families are alike 10. "All Happy Families are Alike" (Season 1 Episode 22)
Related image 9. "Destiny Calling"/"Heavydirtysoul" (Season 3 Episode 21/Season 3 Episode 22)
Image result for gotham the blind fortune teller 8. "The Blind Fortune Teller" (Season 1 Episode 16)
Image result for gotham the last laugh 7. "The Last Laugh" (Season 2 Episode 3)
Image result for gotham the ball of mud and meanness 6. "This Ball of Mud and Meaness" (Season 2 Episode 14)
Image result for gotham the gentle art of making enemies 5. "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies" (Season 3 Episode 14)
Image result for gotham season 4 no man's land 4. "No Man's Land" (Season 4 Episode 22)
Image result for gotham ace chemicals 3. "Ace Chemicals" (Season 5 Episode 7)
Image result for gotham one bad day 2. "One Bad Day" (Season 4 Episode 21)
Image result for gotham the beginning 1. "The Beginning..." (Season 5 Episode 12)

Top 10 Characters
Image result for gotham lee 10. Lee
Image result for gotham jim 9. Jim
Image result for gotham ed 8. Ed
Image result for gotham barbara 7. Barbara
Image result for gotham selina 6. Selina
Image result for gotham bullock 5. Harvey
Image result for gotham oswald 4. Oswald
Image result for gotham alfred 3. Alfred
Image result for gotham bruce 2. Bruce
Image result for gotham jerome and jeremiah 1. Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska

And that's it for this post, guys! Tune in for more on the way :)

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