Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Top 10 Horror Movies Halloween Special (SPOILERS)

Image result for evil jack o lanterns

It's that time of the year again, folks. The time where werewolves howl at full moons, witches concoct magical spells, vampires feast on fresh blood, corpses walk the Earth, and most importantly, kids hunt for candy. Halloween is easily my favorite holiday of all time and part of that is the simple fact that I love horror movies. They ROCK!!! Now of course, which ones are my absolute favorite? Well today, on All Hallows Eve, it's time to find out. Let's begin with a little Nightmare Before Christmas:

The-Babadook-Poster.jpg 10. The Babadook: Kicking off this list is a terrifying yet fascinating film. With its dark visuals and foreboding atmosphere, The Babadook keeps you on the edge of your seat as you sink further and further into a deep, dark abyss, and by the time you realized you fell in, it may already be too late.
Spookiest Moment: "You can bring me the boy"
The Mist poster.jpg 9. The Mist: One of three Stephen King adaptations to appear on this list, this movie just needs to be seen to be believed! But beware, for the ending will have you fucked up for a good long while if not the rest of your life!
Spookiest Moment: The Pharmacy
Get Out poster.png 8. Get Out: One of the more recent films on this list is also the funniest, but that doesn't stop it from being here due to how downright chilling its concept really is. The actors are great, the music is terrific, and Jordan Peele's direction allows the relevant social commentary to seep through in an incredibly clever way. And who doesn't love Rod :)
Spookiest Moment: "No, No, No"
Conjuring poster.jpgConjuring 2.jpg 7. The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2: Yeah, they both share this spot on the list. Both movies are great in that they are quite touching while never failing to deliver on the scares. And they also contain the Warrens, who are, in my honest opinion, the greatest protagonists to exist in the realm of horror movies.
The Conjuring Spookiest Moment: Judy and Annabelle
The Conjuring 2The Crooked Man
A man with a hat on his head, holding a suitcase, arrives in a house building in วthe night, with the film's slogan above him while the film's title, credits and billing underneath him. 6. The Exorcist: Everyone knows this movie. It is called the scariest movie of all time. While I actually disagree with that statement, it is still a creepy movie nonetheless. The idea of a little girl being possessed by the freaking Devil is not a pleasant concept to think about. Add in phenomenal performances from all the cast members and William Freidkin's fantastic direction, this movie is one that you will never forget, whether it scares you or not.
Spookiest Moment: "LET JESUS FUCK YOU!!!"
The Shining (1980).png 5. The Shining: It may not be the most faithful adaptation, and Stephen King himself may have expressed his dislike of the film, but this movie (as the poster there suggests) is a horror masterpiece. Jack Nicholson's performance is legendary, Stanley Kubrick's direction is top-notch, and it is very, very scary, more so than The Exorcist in my honest opinion. All in all, great movie, and would have been my favorite Stephen King-based movie if not for...
Spookiest Moment: Room 237
It (2017) poster.jpg 4. IT: As much I love the original miniseries, it's simply decent and not very scary for the most part, and it is knocked out of the park by the new one, which pretty much elevates everything that made the original great (except Tim Curry of course.) This movie pulls no punches and makes the most of every scare (that isn't a jump-scare,),the kid actors who portray the Losers Club are outstanding, and while he may be no Tim Curry, Bill Skarsgaard is terrifically creepy as Pennywise. Now I could say more, but why don't you check out my review for that ;)
Spookiest Moment: "Take it, Georgie"
Movie poster shows a woman in the ocean swimming to the right. Below her is a large shark, and only its head and open mouth with teeth can be seen. Within the image is the film's title and above it in a surrounding black background is the phrase "The most terrifying motion picture from the terrifying No. 1 best seller." The bottom of the image details the starring actors and lists credits and the MPAA rating. 3. Jaws: Duh Nun...Duh Nun...Duh Nun Duh Nun... They just really make the most of keeping the shark unseen for most of the movie, and the tension between each of its attacks is supremely effective. Steven Spielberg hit a home run with this movie, and till this day, that opening scene will always linger in my nightmares. For a while, I'll confess in saying that I found Jaws to be the scariest movie of all time...that was until I saw...
Spookiest Moment: Chrissie's Last Swim
Dont be afraid of the dark poster.jpg 2. Don't Be Afraid of the Dark: Simply put, after watching this movie, you WILL be afraid of the dark!!!
Spookiest Moment: Really any scene involving those little bastards, but special mention goes to the ending

And my favorite horror movie of all time is...CUE THE MUSIC...
Halloween (1978) theatrical poster.jpg 1. Halloween: What better way to end the list than to have a movie named after the holiday being at the top spot. There are no words to describe the love I have for this movie. It's not only my favorite horror movie, but one of my favorite movies period! It has a simple plot, but the execution is perfect. The atmosphere is chilling, the tension is high, and Michael Myers is quite possibly the best movie slasher ever! And that theme song is just...perfection! None of the sequels could compare to this one, and I don't think there is any other horror movie in general that can top it either.
Spookiest Moment: "It was the boogeyman..."

And that is it for my list, guys! Keep tuning in for more posts and above all...
Image result for Cute Happy Halloween

Monday, October 30, 2017

IT (2017) (SPOILERS)

It (2017) poster.jpg

There are many writers in the world, but few have produced such a bizarre and terrifying vision as that of Stephen King, and one of his most cherished works is one with quite possibly the simplest title you could possibly come up with: IT. Now, just to get this out of the way, I have not read the novel (and quite frankly I tip my hat to anyone who has,) but I do have a decent grasp on the overall story and try to apply that to what I have seen. Back in 1990, IT was a two-part television miniseries that was mostly carried by the phenomenal Tim Curry's performance. For the most part, it was a decent movie that had occasionally terrifying moments, but it is clear that it's seen better days back then in terms of how it holds up nowadays. Of course, Pennywise the Dancing Clown had to shine on the big screen, and 27 years since the miniseries, that time has come. Now for the most part, I think they hit the mark quite well, and this was easily the best horror movie of the year so far. It has its flaws, and they will be addressed here. Now without further adieu, let's begin:

  1. The child actors here are spectacular. I was truly impressed by just how damn good they were. Of course, the standouts here are Jaden Lieberher, Sophia Lillis, and Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard, who provides the funniest moments in the whole movie. ROCK WAR!!!
  2. He may be no Tim Curry, but Bill Skarsgaard is a terrific Pennywise nonetheless. For me, Pennywise is one of the most evil characters in all of fiction, and Skarsgaard captures that essence of pure evil perfectly. He is creepy, terrifying, and monstrous all at once, and I can't wait to see more of him in Chapter II.
  3. All the other forms of IT are great as well. The headless boy, the disgusting Leper, and of course, Judith the Flute Lady, are all unique and terrifying creations that provide just as much of the horror as Pennywise does. All in all, they are freaky as shit.
  4. The scares, that aren't jump scares at least, are quite effective. They provide enough tension and unease to make anyone beg for nothing to happen, even when it seems inevitable. And it's not just Pennywise delivering the scares either. The scenes with Henry Bowers (especially when he loses his mind) and Bevy's dad are also enough to make anyone shudder. How all these no-holds-barred scares were even allowed to happen was all thanks to...
  5. The R-Rating. IT is a twisted novel, so it's quite nice that the R-Rating allows the crew to adapt that twisted nature as faithfully as possible (though thankfully not too faithful.) I could say more, but honestly, seeing the Georgie scene is enough to make that abundantly clear, but beware, for it is not for the squeamish or faint of heart, so view at your own risk. 
  1. As great as their actors are, Mike and Stan get the short end of the stick during this movie. Now while Stan has the honor of encountering Judith (which leads to a horrifying moment that will likely trigger an event in the future) and Mike has a tragic and seriously fucked up backstory that leads to intriguing character moments for him, they just aren't given much to do past that and really fall in the shadow of the others. Here's to hoping they get more to do in Chapter II, but that doesn't seem likely considering what happens to them :(
  2. The jump scares, as usual in most horror movies these days, were overdone. Some were effective, like the projector scene and the ones featuring Judith (yes, she's that creepy,) but there were still too many and as a result it gets old, tiresome, and frustrating fast.
  3. Some wonky CGI. CGI is a very common criticism nowadays; either you love it or you hate it. Now personally, I don't notice it that much, but hoo boy, it was glaring here. Trust me, you'll notice it when you see it. I really hope that the budget the producers gained will contribute to fixing this for Chapter II, because the final battle between the Losers and IT will not be a pretty sight to watch.
And that is it for this blog, guys. IT is definitely one of the best Stephen King adaptations to date. Coming up is a special list dedicated to all the movies that did their best to scare the bejeezus out of us, and that will be posted as my special Halloween post. Till then, take care. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Death Predictions (SPOILERS)

The time has come. Before the 100th episode hits our screens tomorrow, I will discuss who I believe will emerge victorious...and who will sadly be casualties of war. Without further adieu, let's start with nothing other than:
  • Image result for rick grimes season 8 Rick Grimes: Simply put: NO...FUCKING...WAY!!!
  • Image result for daryl dixon season 8 Daryl Dixon: A highly debatable one because there are so many things that can be done with him. Overall, I'd say it's a 50/50 chance, though the odds are ever in his favor ;)
  • Image result for Maggie Rhee season 8 Maggie Rhee: Honestly, she may be just as safe as Rick in this regard. There's just no way they're going to kill off Maggie, not after everything she's been through.
  • Image result for Carl Grimes season 8 Carl Grimes: Like Father, like Son, simple as that.
  • Image result for Michonne season 8 Michonne: Yeah, no way. She's right up there with Maggie as the safest female as of now.
  •  Image result for carol peletier season 7Carol Peletier: Like her buddy Daryl, she's got a 50/50 chance that I feel will work out in her favor. 
  • Image result for Morgan Jones season 8 Morgan Jones: It's "All Out War", so there is going to be LOTS of death this season. Unfortunately, I feel Morgan will be its heaviest casualty. While the others still have potential for future stories, there isn't much else left for Rick's savior to do, so hate to bring you the news, but bye, bye, Mr. Morgan Jones. 
  • Image result for Tara Chambler season 8 Tara Chambler: Another wild card, it's possible for Tara to bite the dust this season, but like the others, I feel she has potential with the Oceanside Community. 
  • Image result for Eugene Porter season 8 Eugene Porter: Another one, but one who's easier to predict. If he's still with Rick, then he's gonna make it. If he's "Negan," then he's going to go the way every traitor goes.
  • Image result for Rosita Espinosa Season 8 Rosita Espinosa: As long as she's out of her phase from Season 7, I think Rosita has a good chance of making it, and hopefully avenge Abe's death by taking out the treacherous slimeball he died for, if that really is the case...
  • Image result for Negan Season 8 Negan: He could live. He could die. But I sincerely hope not, because if they continue to follow the comics, then the best is yet to come for Big Bad Negan...
And now for the rest of the cast...
  • Gabriel: Debatable, but I don't think so
  • Aaron will not die
  • Dwight: Debatable
  • Jesus will not die
  • Gregory: Debatable
  • Enid will not die
  • Simon: Debatable
  • Jadis: Debatable
  • Tobin will die
  • Eric will die
  • Scott: Debatable
  • Bruce will die
  • Francine: Debatable
  • Dr. Harlan Carson will not die
  • Kal will die
  • Eduardo: Debatable
  • Andy will die
  • Bertie: Debatable
  • Freddie: Debatable
  • Wesley: Debatable
  • Arat: Debatable
  • Gavin: Debatable
  • Jared will die
  • Gary: Debatable
  • Laura will not die
  • Ezekiel will not die
  • Shiva: Debatable, but I REALLY hope not
  • Jerry: Debatable
  • Dianne will not die
  • Daniel: Debatable
  • Alvaro: Debatable
  • Henry will not die
  • Kevin: Debatable
  • Nabila: Debatable
  • Natania: Debatable
  • Cyndie will not die
  • Rachel will not die
  • Betrice: Debatable 
  • Kathy: Debatable
  • Brion will die
  • Tamiel: Debatable
And that's it for this list, guys. Now it's time to see if I'm right...or DEAD wrong...

Sunday, October 15, 2017

UPDATED: Top Ten Characters from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

One week from today, The Walking Dead returns. To round out the trinity is the updated list of the top ten greatest characters the show has ever had, dead or alive. Unlike the other lists though, this one has not been updated for some time, so this one may have experienced the most change (even though, SPOILER ALERT, the top 4 remain the same.) To check out the old one, click here. Now to kick off the list with some honorable mentions:
  • Carl
  • Morgan
  • Gabriel
  • Aaron
  • Jesus
  • Dwight
  • Ezekiel
  • SHIVA 
  • Sasha
  • Richard
  • Abraham
  • Tyreese
  • Beth
  • Bob
  • Dale
And the big runner up...
Merle Dixon - I tried to keep him on this list. I really did. But he's been gone for four whole seasons at this point. Still, that does nothing to weaken the impact he had on the show. Michael Rooker's performance really brought him to life, and the arc he was given in Season 3 elevated him even further, culminating in his epic and tragic sacrifice. He may no longer be on the list, but he will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Now time for the list:
10. The Governor - He is nowhere near as evil as his comic counterpart was, but that is all made up for with the decision to give him more humanizing qualities. While that has caused a huge division in the fandom for thinking he came off as too tame, I appreciate David Morrissey's take more because he not only makes you fear him, but he also makes you sympathize with him as well. I enjoyed his time on the show and will never forget the impact he left. Too bad someone else swooped in to steal his thunder...
9. Hershel Greene - Here's a character that did absolutely no wrong and is leagues better than his comics counterpart. Hershel was a great character because even after everything that's happened to him, he always had the group's best interests at heart and managed to keep his humanity all the way through. His part in the Flu storyline was where he was at his best, as he managed to care for the sick people while also fending off zombies. Don't underestimate this old man, because he is one mean motherfucking servant of God. Oh, and how could I forget this.
Image result for shane walsh 8. Shane Walsh - Shane is a very complex character, driven by love and a desire to survive. You feel for him yet fear him all the same. A lot of that is owed to Jon Bernthal, who really did turn in a great performance with this role. Shane's story sadly did not end well for him but he was a great character nonetheless. I hate to have removed him from the Top 5 but he still manages to retain a spot on this list for the time being.
Image result for Maggie Rhee Season 7 7. Maggie Rhee - Like Father Like Daughter, here's another character who can't do no wrong. If I had to pick at least one character who suffered the most hell throughout the series, it'd have to be Maggie, and what makes her so admirable is that she still pulls through it all and proves to be just as capable a leader as Rick. Lauren Cohan brings a lot of heart to the role, and I have no doubt she will climb her way up further on this list. But for now...
Image result for Glenn Rhee 6. Glenn Rhee - How can you not love him? Glenn has been there since the beginning and he was one of the most pure-hearted survivors on the show. In a world filled with death and despair, Glenn was one of the few beacons of light in an increasingly dark world. Though that light has finally faded, Maggie has come to pick up the pieces. Steven Yeun's performance elevated his likability and humanity, and he will never be forgotten. And now time for a cruel twist of fate...
Related image 5. Negan - Everyone, meet the new addition to the list, and quite frankly, there isn't much more I could say that hasn't already been said. While he could use a bit of a bulk-up and I do wish he could use more of his rather colorful vocabulary (though we may get a hint of that this season :), Jeffrey Dean Morgan IS Negan, capturing his charismatic, hilarious, and menacing nature to a tee. He has a left a profound impact so far and I hope we get to see more of him as time goes on since we haven't even gotten to his best story yet. 
 4. Carol Peletier - She may have gotten the short end of the stick this season, but DAMN, this woman is an unstoppable force of nature. The amount of change she has experienced is mesmerizing and I still can't believe that this woman was the meek, timid, battered housewife way back in Season 1. She never fails to surprise me, and I hope we get to see her kick lots and lots of Savior ass this season. Bring on the flu-burning, flower-picking, cannibal-butchering, cookie-making, wolf-slaying badass Den mother we have all grown to love. We're ready for her.
 3. Michonne - What can I say, I love me a woman who wields a katana. Michonne has really grown a lot over the show, and I'm so happy to see where she is now. She has the love of her life, a family to call her own, and she is ready to build the life she has always wanted, no matter what it takes. I can't wait to see more of her this season and future seasons to come. Just hope she doesn't go the way of Rick's most recent lover in the comics :(...
Image result for Daryl Dixon 2. Daryl Dixon - Well, the poor guy went through Hell this season, to say the least. Daryl's rough around the edges, much like his brother was, but he also has one of the best hearts out of all the survivors. He cares about the others, and all who dare put their lives in jeopardy better beware. He is a big part of the show and I won't be surprised to see him stick around for a very long time. 

And now, well, who else could it possibly be?...
Image result for rick grimes 1. Rick Grimes - I can do without having a few characters being absent every now and then (yes, even Daryl,) but when Rick Grimes is gone for a long time, there is something missing. While all the other characters are great and can carry the show easily on their own, Rick is the one who brings everything together. Without him, it just doesn't feel the same. I have always enjoyed him as the main character and love the growth he experienced throughout the series. Andrew Lincoln's performance also brings him to the next level, and I can't imagine what will happen once he dies. Overall, The Walking Dead is Rick's story just as much as any of the others and I always look forward to watching him lead the way in the ongoing struggle for survival. 

And that's it for my lists, guys. Predictions will be coming up soon, and then it's time to continue reviews. Hope you enjoyed these and take care :)

Friday, October 13, 2017

UPDATED: Top Ten Episodes from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

As the premiere inches ever so closer, it's time to continue the trend with the updated version of the top ten best episodes to ever come from the show. To see how this list has changed, check out my previous posts here and here.

Now for some honorable mentions:
  • Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
  • Season 1 Episode 4 "Vatos"
  • Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out"
  • Season 2 Episode 13 "Beside The Dying Fire"
  • Season 3 Episode 8 "Made To Suffer"
  • Season 3 Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life"
  • Season 4 Episode 9 "After"
  • Season 4 Episode 16 "A"
  • Season 5 Episode 3 "Four Walls and A Roof"
  • Season 5 Episode 8 "Coda"
  • Season 6 Episode 2 "JSS"
  • Season 6 Episode 12 "Not Tomorrow Yet"
  • Season 7 Episode 8 "Hearts Still Beating"
  • Season 7 Episode 13 "Bury Me Here"
And the big runner up...
"Clear" (Season 3 Episode 12) - This was a great episode. Not only did this episode mark the return of Morgan, but it also produced some of the finest acting I've ever seen in the show. Lennie James is amazing in the role, and he really gave it his all in this performance. The scenes he shared with Andrew Lincoln were nothing short of mesmerizing. Adding to that are some nice moments forming the bond between Carl and Michonne, and you've got a fantastic episode where not really much happened.

Now for the actual list
Image result for the walking dead the first day of the rest of your life 10. "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" (Season 7 Episode 16) - Though it's tied with "A" as the best finale of the show, this was a fantastic episode on its own and a grand way to end Season 7. Watching the survivors finally rise up after enduring unimaginable sorrow was truly satisfying and left me feeling good towards the end. All in all, great episode, and holder of one of the most fantastic moments in the series (you know which one ;)
9. "Days Gone Bye" (Season 1 Episode 1) - The one that started it all and it's still going strong. An absolutely amazing series premiere that had so many great moments that were completely faithful to the source material that I could make a list just about that, it is a Walking Dead classic and one that will always be remembered.
8. "Pretty Much Dead Already" (Season 2 Episode 7) - This episode drove the point home that NO ONE is safe on this show. After six episodes of searching, Sophia turned up to be dead as a zombie when she walked out of the barn after the group shot down all of Hershel's undead family and friends. It was shocking and heartbreaking to say the least, and you can tell how broken everyone was after that. This was a huge episode and one that will not soon be forgotten.
7. "The Grove" (Season 4 Episode 14) - This episode is hands down the darkest, most depressing episode in the entire series. Poor Carol really can't catch a break when it comes to losing her loved ones. The moment she pulls the trigger to put Lizzie down is the moment you realize how far this show can go. All in all, this was a great episode and possibly the best performance of Melissa McBride's run in the show. Just look at the flowers.
6. "Better Angels" (Season 2 Episode 12) - Season 2 has a mixed reaction among the fandom, but if there's one thing that it got absolutely right, then it's the character arc it gave Shane, which was perfectly closed in this episode. Seeing Shane descend into madness is as frightening as it is upsetting since deep down he is just looking after the people he cares about. It was equally heartbreaking to watch Rick have to kill his best friend as well as Carl put down Shane after he turns. All in all, this was Season 2's best episode.
5. "Killer Within" (Season 3 Episode 4) - If "The Grove" was the darkest episode, then this one was the most shocking. It featured not one but two major character deaths, with one being one of the biggest deaths in the series so far. I really can't go into any more details, but all I can say is that this episode completely changed the course of the series from there on.
4. "No Sanctuary" (Season 5 Episode 1) - When I said Season 5 started with a bang, I meant it with every possible fiber of my being. This was intense, scary, action-packed, and all around awesome. You are literally glued to the edge of your seat when watching this episode. Oh, and there was also this. An amazing premiere that almost had the privilege of being the best premiere...almost...
3. "Too Far Gone" (Season 4 Episode 8) - This is what the Season 3 finale should have always been. The build up was perfect, the stakes were high, the action was intense, and the emotions were souring. This episode does have things that could detract from it, but they're microscopically small to what it accomplished, which was wrap up one of the best storylines in a satisfying way. While it may not be the best episode of the series anymore, it will always retain a special place in my heart due to its sheer epicness.
 2. "No Way Out" (Season 6 Episode 9) - Another episode that got just about everything right. What more can be said that wasn't said. It beat out "Too Far Gone," and for a while was, in my mind, the highest possible point the show can go. Well...
Image result for The Walking Dead the Day You Won T Be When Will Come 1. "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be" (Season 7 Episode 1) - Fuck...just...FUCK!!! It did make up for the insufferable, bullshit, copout cliffhanger ending of Season 6, but...FUUUCCCKKK!!! This episode was just unbelievable. It went all out, pulling at the heart strings in the best (and worst) possible way. It was to be expected (especially for comic readers,) but still seeing Glenn's head smashed into a million pieces as he faintly called out to his beloved Maggie is easily one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show. And of course I ain't forgetting about good old Abraham, which was somehow even more tragic in the fact that I got to meet Michael Cudlitz that very same year (I guess that pretty much confirmed it though.) Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan gave outstanding performances in this episode, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan was simply the MVP. Overall, this episode is where I truly believe The Walking Dead has peaked, and I just don't know how any episode coming up can top it. And even if one does, it will never have the sheer impact this one did. It just won't...

And that's it for this blog, guys. There will be one more list, then the predictions, and finally the 100th episode will arrive. Also be on the lookout for more reviews, as I got a whole bunch of spooky movies to review in the wake of All Hollow's Eve. Till then, take care ;)  

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Dunkirk (SPOILERS)

Dunkirk Film poster.jpg

Christopher Nolan is a widely celebrated filmmaker. He has many works to his name, with one of his biggest being The Dark Knight trilogy. For this reason, his latest film, Dunkirk, was hugely anticipated. For the most part, it was met with considerable praise and will most likely be a huge contender for the Oscars. Now, my thoughts are like this: I thought it was pretty good, but not as good as it was made out to be and certainly not the best movie of the year. Here is why:

  1. Nolan's direction really shines here. Everything in this movie is superbly shot and the tension in each scene is built up exceptionally well. I really think if the film were to gain an award for anything, it would be for director, because Nolan really did well in that department. If not though, they won't totally miss out, because...
  2. The sound design was spectacular. Seriously, I think this was the best thing about the whole movie. It just felt so real! Each time I heard a gunshot, I almost felt like ducking and taking cover behind the seats. My dad even jumped at one point. Even if the movie doesn't snag that director award, it better get this one, because it will be well earned. 
  3. The actors did a good job with their performances. They bring life to characters that didn't have much more to them. Certain standouts are the always excellent Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, and wait for it...Harry Styles. Yeah, he really can act after all.
  1. The jumping back and forth during the film became a bit disjointed at parts. While everything managed to come together quite well towards the end, there were moments where they were at one place in the story only to backtrack to something else. It happened so frequently (mostly in the middle) that I almost didn't have a clue what the hell was happening at certain points. Overall, this took me out of the experience for a bit. 
  2. The characters had relatively little depth to them, and as a result were quite one-dimensional. The actors, as I mentioned, did a good job portraying them, but that doesn't excuse the fact that there wasn't much to work with here. They all served their purpose well, but I just wish they were all fleshed out a little more. 
I enjoyed Dunkirk. I do think it's a little overrated, but I still think it's a pretty good war movie. Definitely check it out :)

And that's it for this blog, guys! Tune in for more reviews and stuff related to The Walking Dead as the 100th episode inches closer and closer.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

UPDATED: Top Ten Moments from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

Well, it's October 1st. 30 days till Halloween and 21 days till the return of The Walking Dead. And this year should be a big one as Rick and the others are heading to ALL OUT WAR! Sadly, though, the series has endured a loss of quality that it once had, and that is explicitly prevalent in the huge drop in ratings that Season 7 suffered. Hopefully Season 8 turns that all around, but for now, I'm gonna continue tradition and look back on the moments, episodes, and characters that make the show as fantastic as it is. For anyone interested in seeing how this list has changed over the years, check out my posts here.

Now time for some honorable mentions:
  • Rick and Glenn's guts-smeared walk through Atlanta in Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
  • The Atlanta Camp Attack in Season 1 Episode 4 "Vatos"
  • Rick killing Dave and Tony in Season 2 Episode 8 "Nebraska"
  • Rick and Shane's brawl in Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out"
  • Michonne vs The Governor in Season 3 Episode 8 "Made To Suffer"
  • Merle's Last Stand in Season 3 Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life" 
  • The Battle against the Flu in Season 4 Episode 5 "Internment"
  • Rick bites out Joe's neck in Season 4 Episode 16 "A"
  • Beth's death in Season 5 Episode 8 "Coda"
  • Rick and Pete's brawl in Season 5 Episode 15 "Try"
  • Carol, Morgan, and co. vs. The Wolves in Season 6 Episode 2 "JSS"
  • Glenn's "death" scene in Season 6, Episode 3 "Thank You"
  • Rick and co. reunited in Season 7 Episode 8 "Hearts Still Beating"
  • Morgan kills Richard in Season 7 Episode 13 "Bury Me Here"

And the big runner up...
Rick kills the Bicycle Girl (Season 1 Episode 1 "Days Gone Bye") - This was not only a defining moment for Rick, but for the entire show as well. This was perfectly adapted from the comic book, and Andrew Lincoln's acting during the scene is what really sells it. Bonus points for playing at the same time as the scene where Morgan tries to put down his wife, since they both worked so well together.

Now for the list...
 10. Rick and co. kill The Hunters (Season 5 Episode 3 "Four Walls and a Roof") - Man was this scene dark. This moment showed just how much Rick has changed over the course of the series and how far the survivors are willing to go in the name of survival. Plus, I find it rather cool and fitting that they actually had Rick keep the promise he made to Gareth, who found that out the hard way.
 9. The Barn Massacre (Season 2 Episode 7 "Pretty Much Dead Already") - If you've seen this episode, you know this moment. If the Atlanta Camp Attack didn't drive the point home that no one is safe, then this CERTAINLY DID. I could say more, but I think you should just see it for yourself if you have not.
 8. Escaping Terminus (Season 5 Episode 1 "No Sanctuary") - I was blown away when Carol showed just how badass she could be and on the edge of my seat as Rick and the others fought their way out against walkers and Termites. It was intense, action-packed, scary, and all around amazing. There is a reason as to why "No Sanctuary" is one of the best premieres so far.
 7. Shiva and the Kingdom save the day (Season 7 Episode 16 "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life") - ROOOAAARRR!!!!!
 6. Carol kills Lizzie (Season 4 Episode 14 "The Grove") - Okay, what could I say about this scene that hasn't already been said. It was a character defining moment for Carol and probably the darkest moment in the entire series. Don't believe me, then go watch for yourself.
 5. The Death of Shane (Season 2 Episode 12 "Better Angels") - This was an absolutely perfect way to send this character off. Season 2 was basically Shane's season, and his entire arc throughout wraps up in this one moment, where he tries to kill his best friend out of pure rage and jealousy. Rick gains the upper hand, however, and puts him down first. This isn't the end though as Shane comes back as a zombie and is about to attack Rick again before ultimately being put down by one of the people he cared about the most: Carl. This was without a doubt the best moment of Season 2, and would have been higher on the list if not for...
 4. Lori's Death (Season 3 Episode 4 "Killer Within") - This was without a doubt the most shocking of all deaths in The Walking Dead. Who could expect the main character's wife being killed off so early like that. It was completely unpredictable and thoroughly heartbreaking. While Lori was not the most well-liked character in the series, she certainly would have had anyone's sympathies here. Then of course there's Rick's breakdown after learning what happened. So tragic :(...
 3. The Prison War (Season 4 Episode 8 "Too Far Gone") - Everything about it was absolutely amazing. From Hershel's death, to Daryl destroying the tank, to Rick fist-fighting the Governor, everything that built up to this moment was wrapped up in a blaze of glory. While it doesn't have the amount of death that the one in the comics had, what we got was good enough to take a spot on this list.
2. All of "No Way Out" (Season 6 Episode 9 "No Way Out") - Another episode long moment that blows everything out of the water and just doesn't take a second to stop. The action, the intensity, the drama, it was all there and it was EPIC! "No Way Out" was an episode that I thought would be near impossible to top and this would have remained at the top if not for... 
 1. Glenn and Abraham's deaths (Season 7 Episode 1 "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be") - What can I say? What can I possibly say? Can I really divulge into this in any possible way? I have come to the conclusion that Negan's introduction is where the series has peaked, and the same has apparently gone for the TV Show. Honestly, even if Season 8 is a truly amazing spectacle, I can't see anything further on down the series (well maybe one thing) topping this moment. It has truly changed everything and rocked the world of The Walking Dead as we know it.

And that's it for this list, guys. There will be more on the way coming soon!