Sunday, October 1, 2017

UPDATED: Top Ten Moments from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

Well, it's October 1st. 30 days till Halloween and 21 days till the return of The Walking Dead. And this year should be a big one as Rick and the others are heading to ALL OUT WAR! Sadly, though, the series has endured a loss of quality that it once had, and that is explicitly prevalent in the huge drop in ratings that Season 7 suffered. Hopefully Season 8 turns that all around, but for now, I'm gonna continue tradition and look back on the moments, episodes, and characters that make the show as fantastic as it is. For anyone interested in seeing how this list has changed over the years, check out my posts here.

Now time for some honorable mentions:
  • Rick and Glenn's guts-smeared walk through Atlanta in Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
  • The Atlanta Camp Attack in Season 1 Episode 4 "Vatos"
  • Rick killing Dave and Tony in Season 2 Episode 8 "Nebraska"
  • Rick and Shane's brawl in Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out"
  • Michonne vs The Governor in Season 3 Episode 8 "Made To Suffer"
  • Merle's Last Stand in Season 3 Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life" 
  • The Battle against the Flu in Season 4 Episode 5 "Internment"
  • Rick bites out Joe's neck in Season 4 Episode 16 "A"
  • Beth's death in Season 5 Episode 8 "Coda"
  • Rick and Pete's brawl in Season 5 Episode 15 "Try"
  • Carol, Morgan, and co. vs. The Wolves in Season 6 Episode 2 "JSS"
  • Glenn's "death" scene in Season 6, Episode 3 "Thank You"
  • Rick and co. reunited in Season 7 Episode 8 "Hearts Still Beating"
  • Morgan kills Richard in Season 7 Episode 13 "Bury Me Here"

And the big runner up...
Rick kills the Bicycle Girl (Season 1 Episode 1 "Days Gone Bye") - This was not only a defining moment for Rick, but for the entire show as well. This was perfectly adapted from the comic book, and Andrew Lincoln's acting during the scene is what really sells it. Bonus points for playing at the same time as the scene where Morgan tries to put down his wife, since they both worked so well together.

Now for the list...
 10. Rick and co. kill The Hunters (Season 5 Episode 3 "Four Walls and a Roof") - Man was this scene dark. This moment showed just how much Rick has changed over the course of the series and how far the survivors are willing to go in the name of survival. Plus, I find it rather cool and fitting that they actually had Rick keep the promise he made to Gareth, who found that out the hard way.
 9. The Barn Massacre (Season 2 Episode 7 "Pretty Much Dead Already") - If you've seen this episode, you know this moment. If the Atlanta Camp Attack didn't drive the point home that no one is safe, then this CERTAINLY DID. I could say more, but I think you should just see it for yourself if you have not.
 8. Escaping Terminus (Season 5 Episode 1 "No Sanctuary") - I was blown away when Carol showed just how badass she could be and on the edge of my seat as Rick and the others fought their way out against walkers and Termites. It was intense, action-packed, scary, and all around amazing. There is a reason as to why "No Sanctuary" is one of the best premieres so far.
 7. Shiva and the Kingdom save the day (Season 7 Episode 16 "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life") - ROOOAAARRR!!!!!
 6. Carol kills Lizzie (Season 4 Episode 14 "The Grove") - Okay, what could I say about this scene that hasn't already been said. It was a character defining moment for Carol and probably the darkest moment in the entire series. Don't believe me, then go watch for yourself.
 5. The Death of Shane (Season 2 Episode 12 "Better Angels") - This was an absolutely perfect way to send this character off. Season 2 was basically Shane's season, and his entire arc throughout wraps up in this one moment, where he tries to kill his best friend out of pure rage and jealousy. Rick gains the upper hand, however, and puts him down first. This isn't the end though as Shane comes back as a zombie and is about to attack Rick again before ultimately being put down by one of the people he cared about the most: Carl. This was without a doubt the best moment of Season 2, and would have been higher on the list if not for...
 4. Lori's Death (Season 3 Episode 4 "Killer Within") - This was without a doubt the most shocking of all deaths in The Walking Dead. Who could expect the main character's wife being killed off so early like that. It was completely unpredictable and thoroughly heartbreaking. While Lori was not the most well-liked character in the series, she certainly would have had anyone's sympathies here. Then of course there's Rick's breakdown after learning what happened. So tragic :(...
 3. The Prison War (Season 4 Episode 8 "Too Far Gone") - Everything about it was absolutely amazing. From Hershel's death, to Daryl destroying the tank, to Rick fist-fighting the Governor, everything that built up to this moment was wrapped up in a blaze of glory. While it doesn't have the amount of death that the one in the comics had, what we got was good enough to take a spot on this list.
2. All of "No Way Out" (Season 6 Episode 9 "No Way Out") - Another episode long moment that blows everything out of the water and just doesn't take a second to stop. The action, the intensity, the drama, it was all there and it was EPIC! "No Way Out" was an episode that I thought would be near impossible to top and this would have remained at the top if not for... 
 1. Glenn and Abraham's deaths (Season 7 Episode 1 "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be") - What can I say? What can I possibly say? Can I really divulge into this in any possible way? I have come to the conclusion that Negan's introduction is where the series has peaked, and the same has apparently gone for the TV Show. Honestly, even if Season 8 is a truly amazing spectacle, I can't see anything further on down the series (well maybe one thing) topping this moment. It has truly changed everything and rocked the world of The Walking Dead as we know it.

And that's it for this list, guys. There will be more on the way coming soon!

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