Saturday, October 7, 2017

Dunkirk (SPOILERS)

Dunkirk Film poster.jpg

Christopher Nolan is a widely celebrated filmmaker. He has many works to his name, with one of his biggest being The Dark Knight trilogy. For this reason, his latest film, Dunkirk, was hugely anticipated. For the most part, it was met with considerable praise and will most likely be a huge contender for the Oscars. Now, my thoughts are like this: I thought it was pretty good, but not as good as it was made out to be and certainly not the best movie of the year. Here is why:

  1. Nolan's direction really shines here. Everything in this movie is superbly shot and the tension in each scene is built up exceptionally well. I really think if the film were to gain an award for anything, it would be for director, because Nolan really did well in that department. If not though, they won't totally miss out, because...
  2. The sound design was spectacular. Seriously, I think this was the best thing about the whole movie. It just felt so real! Each time I heard a gunshot, I almost felt like ducking and taking cover behind the seats. My dad even jumped at one point. Even if the movie doesn't snag that director award, it better get this one, because it will be well earned. 
  3. The actors did a good job with their performances. They bring life to characters that didn't have much more to them. Certain standouts are the always excellent Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, and wait for it...Harry Styles. Yeah, he really can act after all.
  1. The jumping back and forth during the film became a bit disjointed at parts. While everything managed to come together quite well towards the end, there were moments where they were at one place in the story only to backtrack to something else. It happened so frequently (mostly in the middle) that I almost didn't have a clue what the hell was happening at certain points. Overall, this took me out of the experience for a bit. 
  2. The characters had relatively little depth to them, and as a result were quite one-dimensional. The actors, as I mentioned, did a good job portraying them, but that doesn't excuse the fact that there wasn't much to work with here. They all served their purpose well, but I just wish they were all fleshed out a little more. 
I enjoyed Dunkirk. I do think it's a little overrated, but I still think it's a pretty good war movie. Definitely check it out :)

And that's it for this blog, guys! Tune in for more reviews and stuff related to The Walking Dead as the 100th episode inches closer and closer.

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