Friday, October 13, 2017

UPDATED: Top Ten Episodes from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

As the premiere inches ever so closer, it's time to continue the trend with the updated version of the top ten best episodes to ever come from the show. To see how this list has changed, check out my previous posts here and here.

Now for some honorable mentions:
  • Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
  • Season 1 Episode 4 "Vatos"
  • Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out"
  • Season 2 Episode 13 "Beside The Dying Fire"
  • Season 3 Episode 8 "Made To Suffer"
  • Season 3 Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life"
  • Season 4 Episode 9 "After"
  • Season 4 Episode 16 "A"
  • Season 5 Episode 3 "Four Walls and A Roof"
  • Season 5 Episode 8 "Coda"
  • Season 6 Episode 2 "JSS"
  • Season 6 Episode 12 "Not Tomorrow Yet"
  • Season 7 Episode 8 "Hearts Still Beating"
  • Season 7 Episode 13 "Bury Me Here"
And the big runner up...
"Clear" (Season 3 Episode 12) - This was a great episode. Not only did this episode mark the return of Morgan, but it also produced some of the finest acting I've ever seen in the show. Lennie James is amazing in the role, and he really gave it his all in this performance. The scenes he shared with Andrew Lincoln were nothing short of mesmerizing. Adding to that are some nice moments forming the bond between Carl and Michonne, and you've got a fantastic episode where not really much happened.

Now for the actual list
Image result for the walking dead the first day of the rest of your life 10. "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" (Season 7 Episode 16) - Though it's tied with "A" as the best finale of the show, this was a fantastic episode on its own and a grand way to end Season 7. Watching the survivors finally rise up after enduring unimaginable sorrow was truly satisfying and left me feeling good towards the end. All in all, great episode, and holder of one of the most fantastic moments in the series (you know which one ;)
9. "Days Gone Bye" (Season 1 Episode 1) - The one that started it all and it's still going strong. An absolutely amazing series premiere that had so many great moments that were completely faithful to the source material that I could make a list just about that, it is a Walking Dead classic and one that will always be remembered.
8. "Pretty Much Dead Already" (Season 2 Episode 7) - This episode drove the point home that NO ONE is safe on this show. After six episodes of searching, Sophia turned up to be dead as a zombie when she walked out of the barn after the group shot down all of Hershel's undead family and friends. It was shocking and heartbreaking to say the least, and you can tell how broken everyone was after that. This was a huge episode and one that will not soon be forgotten.
7. "The Grove" (Season 4 Episode 14) - This episode is hands down the darkest, most depressing episode in the entire series. Poor Carol really can't catch a break when it comes to losing her loved ones. The moment she pulls the trigger to put Lizzie down is the moment you realize how far this show can go. All in all, this was a great episode and possibly the best performance of Melissa McBride's run in the show. Just look at the flowers.
6. "Better Angels" (Season 2 Episode 12) - Season 2 has a mixed reaction among the fandom, but if there's one thing that it got absolutely right, then it's the character arc it gave Shane, which was perfectly closed in this episode. Seeing Shane descend into madness is as frightening as it is upsetting since deep down he is just looking after the people he cares about. It was equally heartbreaking to watch Rick have to kill his best friend as well as Carl put down Shane after he turns. All in all, this was Season 2's best episode.
5. "Killer Within" (Season 3 Episode 4) - If "The Grove" was the darkest episode, then this one was the most shocking. It featured not one but two major character deaths, with one being one of the biggest deaths in the series so far. I really can't go into any more details, but all I can say is that this episode completely changed the course of the series from there on.
4. "No Sanctuary" (Season 5 Episode 1) - When I said Season 5 started with a bang, I meant it with every possible fiber of my being. This was intense, scary, action-packed, and all around awesome. You are literally glued to the edge of your seat when watching this episode. Oh, and there was also this. An amazing premiere that almost had the privilege of being the best premiere...almost...
3. "Too Far Gone" (Season 4 Episode 8) - This is what the Season 3 finale should have always been. The build up was perfect, the stakes were high, the action was intense, and the emotions were souring. This episode does have things that could detract from it, but they're microscopically small to what it accomplished, which was wrap up one of the best storylines in a satisfying way. While it may not be the best episode of the series anymore, it will always retain a special place in my heart due to its sheer epicness.
 2. "No Way Out" (Season 6 Episode 9) - Another episode that got just about everything right. What more can be said that wasn't said. It beat out "Too Far Gone," and for a while was, in my mind, the highest possible point the show can go. Well...
Image result for The Walking Dead the Day You Won T Be When Will Come 1. "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be" (Season 7 Episode 1) - Fuck...just...FUCK!!! It did make up for the insufferable, bullshit, copout cliffhanger ending of Season 6, but...FUUUCCCKKK!!! This episode was just unbelievable. It went all out, pulling at the heart strings in the best (and worst) possible way. It was to be expected (especially for comic readers,) but still seeing Glenn's head smashed into a million pieces as he faintly called out to his beloved Maggie is easily one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show. And of course I ain't forgetting about good old Abraham, which was somehow even more tragic in the fact that I got to meet Michael Cudlitz that very same year (I guess that pretty much confirmed it though.) Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan gave outstanding performances in this episode, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan was simply the MVP. Overall, this episode is where I truly believe The Walking Dead has peaked, and I just don't know how any episode coming up can top it. And even if one does, it will never have the sheer impact this one did. It just won't...

And that's it for this blog, guys. There will be one more list, then the predictions, and finally the 100th episode will arrive. Also be on the lookout for more reviews, as I got a whole bunch of spooky movies to review in the wake of All Hollow's Eve. Till then, take care ;)  

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