Sunday, October 15, 2017

UPDATED: Top Ten Characters from The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

One week from today, The Walking Dead returns. To round out the trinity is the updated list of the top ten greatest characters the show has ever had, dead or alive. Unlike the other lists though, this one has not been updated for some time, so this one may have experienced the most change (even though, SPOILER ALERT, the top 4 remain the same.) To check out the old one, click here. Now to kick off the list with some honorable mentions:
  • Carl
  • Morgan
  • Gabriel
  • Aaron
  • Jesus
  • Dwight
  • Ezekiel
  • SHIVA 
  • Sasha
  • Richard
  • Abraham
  • Tyreese
  • Beth
  • Bob
  • Dale
And the big runner up...
Merle Dixon - I tried to keep him on this list. I really did. But he's been gone for four whole seasons at this point. Still, that does nothing to weaken the impact he had on the show. Michael Rooker's performance really brought him to life, and the arc he was given in Season 3 elevated him even further, culminating in his epic and tragic sacrifice. He may no longer be on the list, but he will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Now time for the list:
10. The Governor - He is nowhere near as evil as his comic counterpart was, but that is all made up for with the decision to give him more humanizing qualities. While that has caused a huge division in the fandom for thinking he came off as too tame, I appreciate David Morrissey's take more because he not only makes you fear him, but he also makes you sympathize with him as well. I enjoyed his time on the show and will never forget the impact he left. Too bad someone else swooped in to steal his thunder...
9. Hershel Greene - Here's a character that did absolutely no wrong and is leagues better than his comics counterpart. Hershel was a great character because even after everything that's happened to him, he always had the group's best interests at heart and managed to keep his humanity all the way through. His part in the Flu storyline was where he was at his best, as he managed to care for the sick people while also fending off zombies. Don't underestimate this old man, because he is one mean motherfucking servant of God. Oh, and how could I forget this.
Image result for shane walsh 8. Shane Walsh - Shane is a very complex character, driven by love and a desire to survive. You feel for him yet fear him all the same. A lot of that is owed to Jon Bernthal, who really did turn in a great performance with this role. Shane's story sadly did not end well for him but he was a great character nonetheless. I hate to have removed him from the Top 5 but he still manages to retain a spot on this list for the time being.
Image result for Maggie Rhee Season 7 7. Maggie Rhee - Like Father Like Daughter, here's another character who can't do no wrong. If I had to pick at least one character who suffered the most hell throughout the series, it'd have to be Maggie, and what makes her so admirable is that she still pulls through it all and proves to be just as capable a leader as Rick. Lauren Cohan brings a lot of heart to the role, and I have no doubt she will climb her way up further on this list. But for now...
Image result for Glenn Rhee 6. Glenn Rhee - How can you not love him? Glenn has been there since the beginning and he was one of the most pure-hearted survivors on the show. In a world filled with death and despair, Glenn was one of the few beacons of light in an increasingly dark world. Though that light has finally faded, Maggie has come to pick up the pieces. Steven Yeun's performance elevated his likability and humanity, and he will never be forgotten. And now time for a cruel twist of fate...
Related image 5. Negan - Everyone, meet the new addition to the list, and quite frankly, there isn't much more I could say that hasn't already been said. While he could use a bit of a bulk-up and I do wish he could use more of his rather colorful vocabulary (though we may get a hint of that this season :), Jeffrey Dean Morgan IS Negan, capturing his charismatic, hilarious, and menacing nature to a tee. He has a left a profound impact so far and I hope we get to see more of him as time goes on since we haven't even gotten to his best story yet. 
 4. Carol Peletier - She may have gotten the short end of the stick this season, but DAMN, this woman is an unstoppable force of nature. The amount of change she has experienced is mesmerizing and I still can't believe that this woman was the meek, timid, battered housewife way back in Season 1. She never fails to surprise me, and I hope we get to see her kick lots and lots of Savior ass this season. Bring on the flu-burning, flower-picking, cannibal-butchering, cookie-making, wolf-slaying badass Den mother we have all grown to love. We're ready for her.
 3. Michonne - What can I say, I love me a woman who wields a katana. Michonne has really grown a lot over the show, and I'm so happy to see where she is now. She has the love of her life, a family to call her own, and she is ready to build the life she has always wanted, no matter what it takes. I can't wait to see more of her this season and future seasons to come. Just hope she doesn't go the way of Rick's most recent lover in the comics :(...
Image result for Daryl Dixon 2. Daryl Dixon - Well, the poor guy went through Hell this season, to say the least. Daryl's rough around the edges, much like his brother was, but he also has one of the best hearts out of all the survivors. He cares about the others, and all who dare put their lives in jeopardy better beware. He is a big part of the show and I won't be surprised to see him stick around for a very long time. 

And now, well, who else could it possibly be?...
Image result for rick grimes 1. Rick Grimes - I can do without having a few characters being absent every now and then (yes, even Daryl,) but when Rick Grimes is gone for a long time, there is something missing. While all the other characters are great and can carry the show easily on their own, Rick is the one who brings everything together. Without him, it just doesn't feel the same. I have always enjoyed him as the main character and love the growth he experienced throughout the series. Andrew Lincoln's performance also brings him to the next level, and I can't imagine what will happen once he dies. Overall, The Walking Dead is Rick's story just as much as any of the others and I always look forward to watching him lead the way in the ongoing struggle for survival. 

And that's it for my lists, guys. Predictions will be coming up soon, and then it's time to continue reviews. Hope you enjoyed these and take care :)

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