Monday, December 31, 2018

The Best of 2018

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Well, a new year is upon us. Hard to believe it's come by so fast. 2018 has been a roller coaster ride in so many ways. It has also been a big year for movies, so to celebrate, I will rank what I consider to be the ten best movies of the year. If you would like to know my more in-depth thoughts for some of these movies, my reviews will be linked in the list. Also, if you would like to know my picks from last year, you could check that out right here. Now let's get started:
The film poster shows a close-up of Emily Blunt in-character with her hand over her mouth. 9. A Quiet Place
BlacKkKlansman.png 8. Blackkklansman
Halloween (2018) poster.jpg 7. Halloween
A Star is Born.png 6. A Star is Born
Alpha (film).jpg 1. Alpha

And that's it for the year 2018, guys. Tune in for more posts in 2019 and...
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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (SPOILERS)

Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse (2018 poster).png

Spider-Man is my favorite superhero. I believe that has been firmly established by now. However, I am mainly pertaining to Peter Parker and realize that there are so many more Spider-People out there, among them being Miles Morales. Overall, my knowledge of the character isn't as extensive as that of Peter, but I have always found him to be a cool character and a worthy successor to the former. When I learned that this movie was going to be based on him, I was excited. However, the movie has gradually changed since it was first announced, with it being revealed that it was not only about Miles but about the entire multiverse of Spider-People. This includes Spider-Gwen, Spider-Noir, and so many more. Now, given that this was thought to be a Miles movie, was the addition of all these other Spider-Folk necessary? Probably not. Is that a bad thing? In this case, absolutely not! This movie is fun, inventive, and unique, bringing a real breath of fresh air to those who felt the Spider-Man franchise needed to shake things up. Let's see what made Into The Spider-Verse work and what (if anything) didn't:

  1. Miles is great. Despite the plethora of Spider-People in this film, Miles still retains his place as the main character of the story, which is just splendid given that he is cool, likable, and has a great character arc all brought home by a great design, solid dynamics with the other characters (especially Peter, Gwen, and his father and uncle,) and Shameik Moore's excellent vocal performance. Overall, I really enjoyed the way he was depicted and found his story to be just as triumphant and fulfilling as Peter's. Speaking of which...
  2. The original Wall-Crawling Web Slinger is spectacular. At first glance, I didn't think that I was on board with the way he was depicted since I wasn't sure Jake Johnson's voice quite fit. By the time the movie came along, Johnson and this version of Spidey really won me over due to how different he is from what we are used to. His life is a mess, he's a deadbeat cynic, and he ultimately has really lost his way. This movie is all about building up Peter just as it does with Miles, and we watch his arc unfold without having Miles fall to the sidelines, which is genuinely appreciated by me.
  3. The other Spiders were fun additions to the cast, and thankfully didn't eat up too much screentime than what was necessary. What's even better is that there isn't one clear standout; all of them are so different and unique that there really isn't a way to choose between them.
  4. The villains. For me, these guys were the most surprising thing about the whole movie. While I was firmly on board with Kingpin being the main antagonist, I didn't think he could ever reach the heights set by Vincent D'Onofrio in Daredevil, which makes it even crazier to see that he not only matches that, but can prove to be even darker by killing the Peter Parker in Miles' universe and having a tragic backstory that shapes his goals in the movie. In addition to him, we have the Prowler, who provides a hefty amount of emotional drama for Miles while also having a kickass design and Mahershala Ali's voice. Alongside them are a female version of Doctor Octopus, Tombstone (who is Kingpin's hitman, which I think is a nice touch,) and a bunch of other classic baddies that serve their purpose well. They may not be the standouts, but they more than fulfill their roles. 
  5. I think this article speaks for itself...
There really isn't anything to mention. I would have preferred a Miles solo movie but what we got more than made up for that. 

I loved Into The Spider-Verse. It's definitely one of my favorite Spider-Man movies by far, maybe even up there with some of the best live-action ones.

And that's it for this post, guys. Tune in for my Best of 2018 list to close out the year and then it's onto 2019.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Retro-Reviews Christmas Special: Die Hard (SPOILERS)

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Around the good times of Christmas, there's always one Christmas special people hold near and dear to their heart. From It's A Wonderful Life to How The Grinch Stole Christmas, there's a variety of classics to choose from. However, some people have picked a rather unique choice to view during the holidays, and that is none other than Die Hard, one of the greatest, if not the all-time best, action movies ever made. There's a lot to love about this film, and given that it's set during the big day and littered with references galore, it does make sense why people would see this as their go-to pastime for Christmas, even if many, including Bruce Willis himself, say otherwise. Overall, in this very merry post, I will go over what makes Die Hard great and, if necessary, what doesn't:

  1. Bruce Willis as John McClane. It's easy to say that Willis stands alongside heavy hitters like Arnold Schwarzenegger as the definitive live-action star, and it is this role that solidifies it. What makes McClane such a perfect protagonist is that he isn't some swash-buckling hero who swoops into danger to rescue the girl, defeat the villain, and save the day; he's just a normal guy, much like anyone else, with his own set of strengths and weaknesses who finds himself unexpectedly thrown into danger. This idea of him being the unwitting hero makes for some of the funniest and most intense scenes in the movie, as you really root for him to succeed, even when the stakes get higher and higher and his chance for survival gets slimmer and slimmer. Overall, McClane is a great hero, and Willis captures that perfectly. Of course, every great hero must always have their perfect villain, and fortunately we have that in the form of...
  2. Hans Gruber. Played by the late great Alan Rickman, Hans really is the best villain for this film and the perfect counterpart for McClane. In sharp contrast to Willis' rugged, foul-mouthed, hot-headed protagonist, Rickman plays Gruber with such calm, cool, sophisticated suave and is such a devious and calculating mastermind that he really makes him just as enjoyable to watch. His back-and-forth banter with Willis is excellent, and he also has stand out moments of his own. Overall, Hans is a great bad guy, and he really gives McClane a run for his money.
  3. Honestly, this movie has all the makings of a perfect action movie, Aside from having the best hero and villain, the script is filled with such amazing, sharp, and witty dialogue that is so immensely quotable, and along with that we have pulse-pounding action and a great place of setting with the Nakatomi Plaza, which really feels like its own little world thanks to the filmmakers exploring every little corner of the building. This film just really makes the most of every single detail. 
  1. While it isn't enough to detract from the movie as a whole, I do wish the cops were portrayed as being a little more competent. Sure, there wasn't much they could do, and Hans playing them all only made things worse, but the fact that they had no idea what was going on yet still went out of their way to not trust John and be a thorn in his side became very infuriating, as if the poor guy wasn't going through enough already. John even lampshades this in a very hilarious way. Overall, I can't help but wonder if everyone was like Powell, the movie would be a lot shorter.
Die Hard is a perfect action movie...and yes, I consider it a Christmas movie. You can't go wrong with this one.

And that's it for this special, guys. Tune in for more on the way and above all...
Image result for merry christmas

Friday, November 30, 2018

Bohemian Rhapsody (SPOILERS)

Bohemian Rhapsody poster.png

Among the Beetles and the Rolling Stones, Queen is a British rock band many won't soon forget, so it's fitting that we get a movie about them. However, reviews have been rather divisive, with many praising Rami Malak's performance while criticizing the movie for being a cliché and generic biopic with a ton of inaccuracies. With that being said, what were my thoughts? Personally, I absolutely loved Bohemian Rhapsody, and here's why:

  1. Rami Malak. Even if this movie was an utter disaster, I think he would still be its silver lining. He may not be a spitting image of Freddie Mercury, but in his performance he embodies the icon in every single way. He really captures the essence of this man, who lived a fulfilling yet troubled life, and we adore him, feel for him, and are outright amazed by him. It really is a performance to remember, maybe even the performance of the year for me. 
  2. The music. Of course I cannot write a review for a movie about Queen without mentioning their music, and I think this movie gives the right amount of exposure. They capture every famous hit and show how some of them were made. The making of "Bohemian Rhapsody" is a particular highlight. If you're going in expecting to hear many of the band's greatest hits, then you're definitely in the right place. 
  3. The Live Aid Concert sequence. Aside from Rami Malak, this was the moment that had all the people talking and for good reason. It is the absolute best way to close out this movie and a truly glorious spectacle to behold. I don't have any words to describe it. You just need to see it for yourself. 
There was nothing in this movie that really brought it down for me.

Bohemian Rhapsody was a great movie, definitely a contender for best of the year for me. It may not be completely accurate to Mercury and the band's lives, but it's still a worthy way to commemorate their legacy, and I'm sure anyone who loves the band will find it enjoyable. 

And that's it for this blog, guys. Tune in for more on the way :)

Monday, November 26, 2018

In The Mind Of: Rick Grimes (SPOILERS)

Image result for Rick Grimes

With The Walking Dead's ninth season entering its midseason hiatus, I feel that now would be a good time to reflect on the show's former main character. For the past eight seasons, Rick was the centerpiece of the story; the one we were meant to follow as this show took us on a journey through his eyes. For those eight seasons, we watched a man grow from a young, idealistic sheriff into a more hardened, determined, and at times ruthless survivor. He became a man who would do whatever it takes to protect his family and his group, and even with that noble goal in mind, he was often tested on how far he'd go to make sure that was the case. His humanity began being put into question, and I was often questioning whether we were seeing our protagonist morph into a villain. At the end of the day, though, he was always able to bounce back from every hurdle he's faced and was ultimately able to make a new safe haven a reality for his people. 

By the end, Rick was someone who, while losing everything that defined his past (including his wife, son, and best friend,) was able to find new meaning in this dark and treacherous world. Andrew Lincoln brought a true humanity to the role and it's going to be hard to watch the show without him. That being said, he has survived his final episode, so while we may never see him return to the show, his story is far from over. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

In The Mind Of: Michael Myers (SPOILERS)

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You can't kill the Boogeyman...

There is no better way to describe Michael Myers than those words quoted above. I am a big fan of horror movies, and my gateway into them was none other than the boogeyman himself. As I grew older, my fondness for him never changed, and I started to appreciate him for more reasons other than nostalgia. One thing that makes Michael stand out among the likes of Freddy, Jason, Chucky, and Leatherface is that we know next to nothing about him other than the fact that he is just some deranged man who killed his sister when he was only six years old. Naturally, this means he is lacking in any true character, but somehow, it makes him scarier. Sometimes less is more, and people fear what they can't understand.

Personally, Michael never really scared me, and the sequels did him no favors. However, the new re-sequel has actually come the closest to making me terrified of him, as he engages in insanely brutal acts of violence and shows no mercy to anyone, not even children! The movie made it clear that this was all Michael ever needed in order to be a truly terrifying character.

Overall, Michael is my favorite horror icon of all time. Though he is impossible to understand, there is no reason to. Michael is the Boogeyman, and he will live on to haunt the streets of Haddonfield every All Hallows' Eve.

Halloween (2018) (SPOILERS)

Halloween (2018) poster.jpg

Happy Halloween, Michael...

John Carpenter's Halloween is my favorite horror film of all time. Over time, however, the franchise has experienced so many sequels, retcons, and reboots that it became a completely convoluted mess, so it was practically inevitable that it got canned for a while, but now, 40 years later, David Gordon Green and Danny McBride have decided to breathe new life into the franchise. At first, I, like many, was incredibly skeptical. However, things took a turn for the better with three pieces of news: it was a direct sequel to the original and discards all the convoluted ideas of most of the sequels, Jamie Lee Curtis was returning to reprise her role as Laurie Strode, and John Carpenter himself voiced his approval as well as provided the score for the film. It was almost to good to be true, so did it live up to the hype? Let's find out:

  1. Jamie Lee Curtis' performance. Past the first film, Jamie never got the spotlight she deserved in this franchise. The closest she's ever come was with H20, only for that to be undermined by that ridiculous retcon in Resurrection. Thankfully, this new film has done the character the most justice out of any of the films, and Curtis delivers one of the best performances of her career. She really captures the essence of a broken but hardened survivor, and it is really easy to root for her as she learns to rise above the trauma and repair the broken pieces of her life. All in all, she was a welcome return to the series, and with the news that she may return for another movie, it's all the better.
  2. Michael is in top form once again. Like so many other elements, Michael got thrown through the wringer the more the series continued. He went from being a crazed psycho who could easily embody the essence of pure evil to the pawn of a cult, a punching bag for Busta Rhymes, and even to a grunting hobo. It didn't bode well for him, and while he never scared me that much at first, the sequels did nothing to make that any better. Thankfully, this movie returned Michael to his more grounded roots, and this time, he's actually pretty terrifying. He's more brutal and random in his killings, his mask is probably the best one since the original (probably my personal favorite in fact,) and the fact that he just won't stop is really put into focus here. Overall, it's nice to see my favorite horror icon done justice again, and even better to see that play out on the big screen for the first time.
  3. John Carpenter's score. Holy shit, this music KICKS ASS!!! Composed by Carpenter, his son, Cody, and Daniel Davies, it is a truly epic composition that perfectly sets the mood as well as the original score did. Take a listen here...
  4. The nods to the sequels. Though things got really out of hand the more they kept being made, there were still a few decent ones and some that were outright good! I felt it was nice to see a few call backs here and there to acknowledge that they did exist. Special shoutout goes to the Silver Shamrock kids. 
  5. A true return to form for the franchise. The crew making this movie were really keen on making sure this movie was as true to the original as it could possibly be, and they did not disappoint. Laurie and Michael were back and better than ever, the atmosphere was there, the music fired on all cylinders, basically everything (well almost everything) that was great about the original was re-captured here, and I can't thank them enough and would hope that if another film is made, they are the ones producing it. 
  1. The infamous Dr. Sartain twist. Now personally, it didn't bother me as much as it did many other people (though I'd rather not see anyone else wear Michael's mask except Michael,) but I do feel that it still had no business being there and was underdeveloped in the end. Again, it's an interesting concept to see someone so desperate to understand a person like Michael that they would go to whatever lengths they felt necessary to achieve that, but it is unfortunately one that we could do without in the long run.
  2. Though we did get a nice nod in a voiceover, it still hurts to not have Dr. Loomis with us anymore since Donald Pleasance has passed. May he rest in peace. 
  3. The ending was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it was immensely satisfying to watch the three Strode women kick Michael's ass, but I think more clarity was needed in regards to their victory. Specifically, we should have seen a clear picture of Michael being engulfed by the flames so that Laurie at least thought he was "dead" as opposed to leaving without a definitive answer. The audience could know that Michael was alive, but at least give Laurie some true closure if this be Jamie's last movie. 
Halloween was the best movie since the original, and the best sequel it could've asked for. I know there were a few gripes I had with it, but overall I was satisfied with the final product and couldn't have asked for anything better. 

And that is it for this post, guys. Tune in for more on the way and of course...
Image result for have a happy halloween

Monday, October 15, 2018

Retro-Reviews: Halloween (1978) (SPOILERS)

Halloween (1978) theatrical poster.jpg

Death has come to your little town...

It's October, and that means that Halloween is just around the corner. What better way to lead up to this year's celebration (and prepare for the upcoming re-sequel) than to review my all-time favorite horror film, John Carpenter's Halloween. There isn't much I could say to put into words the love I have for this movie, but I will try my best here by going over what makes it great, and what doesn't:

  1. The music. Fitting that my favorite horror movie has my all-time favorite horror soundtrack ever. It is just so creepy and unsettling that it really helps set the mood for the film going forward. Bravo, John Carpenter.
  2. The setting. What makes a huge chunk of this movie work is that it uses a simple neighborhood as the place where most of the events transpire, and having it take place during Halloween night makes the entire situation a lot scarier. One moment that sells this is when Laurie calls for help and it seems like her cries have been answered, only for the man to completely ignore her, all while Michael is in hot pursuit! 
  3. Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis. Carpenter could not have picked a better duo to lead his film. Pleasence is great as Dr. Samuel Loomis, a man so desperate to put a stop to the madness that it almost takes hold of his sanity, capping it off with one of the most memorable monologues, dare I say it, in all of film history. Meanwhile, Curtis is the scream queen, perfectly capturing a sweet, innocent girl who finds herself in the worst possible situation imaginable yet still manages to best all odds and put up one hell of a fight. While Pleasence has sadly passed away (God rest his soul,) it is a true blessing to see Jamie return for the new movie after a long and convoluted franchise that never quite realized her potential. 
  4. MICHAEL, FREAKING, MYERS! The Slasher genre is populated with a whole host of colorful killers, including Freddy, Jason, Chucky, Leatherface, and Ghostface among many others, but Michael is the one that stands out the most to me. In this first outing, we know next to nothing about him, and that somehow manages to make him much more disturbing. Combine this with the way he stalks his victims and how he just won't stop, and you have a slasher who shows no mercy, no limits, and may never be truly defeated. Can't wait to see what he does next in the new one.
  5. The concept of this movie is ridiculously simple, but the execution more than makes up for it. Carpenter utilizes everything at his disposal to make this movie unique, and from the music to the atmosphere, he more than delivers. 
  1. Lynda didn't have enough screentime, while Annie had too much. Not that Annie is a bad character per say, but she really just comes off as a more promiscuous Laurie and it kinda gets old fast. Lynda, however, was far more entertaining and memorable. Overall, I totally would kill for more Lynda.
Halloween is a classic, pure and simple. I hope this new movie can prove itself to be a true return to form for Michael and this franchise, and with Jamie returning, the madness from most of the sequels being discarded, and John Carpenter himself voicing his approval, I am sure that it will, but until then, I have a real treat that I can always look to for every All Hallows' Eve, so at least I can find solace in that. 

And that is it for this post guys! Tune in for more coming your way, soon :)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

In The Mind Of: Scar (SPOILERS)

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Since my first Retro-Review was Disney's The Lion King, I felt it natural to have my first spotlight of In The Mind Of  be Scar, the main antagonist of the film who all at once is my favorite character from the film, my favorite Disney villain, and one of my all time favorite villains/characters in general. 

As I have mentioned in my Retro-Review, there is something about Scar that I find so intriguing and I became immediately invested in him as his actions drive the first half of the film. To elaborate further, it is easy to sympathize with Scar since he basically is an older version of young Simba, as all he has dreamed of being is king of the Pridelands, and now to see that taken away from him is quite unfortunate, to say the least. Of course, none of this is being said to downplay Scar's actions, which prove him to be one of the most downright vile and sinister villains Disney has ever devised. At heart, Scar is a petty, foul-tempered, entitled bastard with no love or loyalty to anyone but himself and who will outright crush all who oppose him. No better is this exemplified than when he murders Mufasa and tricks Simba into believing that he was responsible for it before exiling him and sending the Hyenas to kill him. From there, Scar takes a backseat in the movie and has faced criticism for losing his menace and credibility as a villain. In his defense, he only appears in one scene before the final battle, has already achieved his goals, and all of his whining and complaining is actually perfectly in-character for him seeing as all that being king did was show how utterly pathetic and self-serving he really is. By the end, Scar gets his much deserved comeuppance, but he sure gives Simba the fight of his life, so while he doesn't have much to do and is out of focus for much of the second half (which is one reason why I consider it to be the weakest part,) I don't see why there were any issues with Scar himself. 

Overall, Scar is a marvelous villain and a big part of why I love The Lion King so much. He was ambitious, sly, and perfectly capable of getting away with his schemes. Cap this all off with a slick character design, terrific voicework by Jeremy Irons, and a kickass villain song (which is sang superbly by Irons and Jim Cummings,) and Scar will be revered by me in a way other Disney villains haven't and I know he is one that will live on in infamy. LONG LIVE THE KING!

Retro-Reviews: The Lion King (SPOILERS)

In an African savannah, several animals stare at a lion atop a tall rock. A lion's head can be seen in the clouds above. Atop the image is the text "Walt Disney Pictures presents The Lion King".

We are all connected in the great Circle of Life...

To kickstart Retro-Reviews, I have decided to revisit my all time favorite Disney movie and quite possibly my all time favorite movie period. That is The Lion King, and it is quite hard to imagine anyone who hasn't heard of this classic. Well, to get down to it, let's go over the pros and cons of The Lion King

  1. The music and animation. Both make for such a beautifully depicted environment, and when you put both together, you are in for a treat. Just watch the opening sequence and tell me your jaw doesn't drop in awe.
  2. The characters are a well-rounded lot. Simba is an excellent protagonist to follow with a fantastic character arc accompanying him; Timon and Pumbaa make for a great comic relief duo while also having multiple facets to their characters that help them be more three-dimensional; Rafiki is probably my second favorite of them all (more on my favorite in a bit) for being such a wild and wacky character yet still holding incredible amounts of wisdom that help Simba find his way again; and Mufasa is of course an integral part to the story who is an interesting character on his own, with his death being one of the most emotionally devastating moments in all of film history. Other characters like Nala, Zazu, and the Hyenas are an endearing lot as well, and to round the group out is none other than...
  3. SCAR! A big part of what makes this movie so special to me is that it holds one of my favorite villains of all time, let alone my favorite Disney villain. There is something about Scar that is so intriguing to me, and he really makes the most of his screentime as he is able to hit audiences hard by of course killing Mufasa. Scar is such a favorite of mine that I could go on and on talking about him, and maybe I will do just that ;)
  4. The fact that the producers took a familiar story beat and gave it a twist. It would be easy for them to simply have Simba be this chosen one-esque character who is cast out by Scar and now works to get back what is rightfully his and get justice for Mufasa's death. While that pretty much is the case, we also have Simba endure conflict with himself due to his belief that he was responsible for Mufasa's death, and that right there is what makes the story so intriguing. We are not only rooting for Simba to defeat Scar, but we are also rooting for him to overcome his own personal demons, and by the time he retakes his throne and lets out his triumphant roar, all I could do is stand up and cheer at this incredibly earned victory. 
  5. This, to me, is Disney at top form. This movie has a great story, wonderful characters, a strong hero, a marvelous villain, the right balance of tone, vibrant animation, and joyous music...basically everything that makes Disney stand out to so many. This is something that the whole family can enjoy, as it has all the fun and heart expected for this kind of movie while not shying away from going to dark and emotional places. I tip my hat to this movie for the risks that it took and know it will live on for generations of time because of this. 
  1. The chunk of the movie that focuses on adult Simba after he meets Timon and Pumbaa and before he meets Rafiki and gets his much-needed reality check is easily the weakest part of the film, seeing as it puts Scar out of focus, establishes a romance between Simba and Nala that is barely fleshed out, and essentially boils down to being filler before the final battle. That being said, it is still has some solid moments and isn't enough to drag the whole movie down. 
The Lion King will always be near and dear to my heart. I don't think I will hold such a strong affinity for a movie as I do with this one. Now as for the live-action remake, I will remain cautiously optimistic, but what I have read about it has sure given me hope that it will be just fine, even if it may never exceed the original.

And that is it for my first Retro-Review, guys. Tune in for more posts along the way and till then, take care :)


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It may not be well-known to many, but out of all the movies that I was anticipating post-Infinity War, one that stood out at the top was, I will admit, a very unusual choice. Obviously, that movie was Alpha, and what I could basically boil my anticipation down to was a love for dogs and how touching I found the first trailer. While the marketing for this movie did it no favors, let me give my definitive answer about how I feel about this movie: I absolutely, positively LOVED IT! It was everything I could want it to be, and I dare say that this may be my absolute favorite movie of the year so far (yes, even more than Infinity War.) Now let's get into why:

  1. The cinematography is stunning. The attention to detail in every single shot is spectacular and is just a glorious sight to behold. I really felt like I was transported back to this time period as the visuals were so authentic in their realism.
  2. Acting-wise, this movie is on top form. Each actor puts in a stellar performance and really makes the most of what they are given. If I had to pick a standout, it would have to be Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, who does so well portraying a proud tribal leader who remains headstrong for his people, yet at the end of the day proves he is a father first, which is where the real meat of his performance shines through. 
  3. Like the first trailer proved, this is a touching tale. It is easy to invest in the bond that grows between Keda and the wolf, promptly named "Alpha," and the movie does a great job making you care about them and hope for the best as they endure a long and treacherous journey. All of this capped off by the ending, which has a truly unexpected and downright delightful twist that I dare not spoil. 
I couldn't find anything of note to consider a major flaw in this movie.

Alpha is hands down the best movie I have seen this year so far, and that is saying a lot. I think it was just what I needed and I am so grateful to have experienced it.

And that is it for this post, guys. Tune in for more along the way :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

An Update on the Direction and Future of Jake's Blog of Entertainment

A short post, but one that I feel was necessary to make. Now to get one thing out of the way, the blog is not going anywhere anytime soon and will be continuing on for as long as I see fit. That being said, outside commitments have forced me to not be as active as I should. To accommodate this, I have looked for new ways to find the right balance. And they are as follows:
  1. I will post a review for only one movie each month as opposed to reviewing nearly every movie I see. This generally means that if these particular movies move me in a way that makes me feel like they deserve special recognition, then expect a review to be posted. This way I will be able to offer up a more honest and detailed response and not something that was rushed out so I could move onto the next post. These will start either next month or the month after, with the review posted at the end of the month.
  2. Each month I will post a review of a movie from the past that I would like to give my thoughts on. These will be called Retro-Reviews, and expect these to start up next month or the month after alongside the current movie reviews. For these, I will usually pick a movie of my choosing to review, but I am open to any suggestions from you guys, which you can drop off here in the comment section below. This could also include other forms of media, such as TV Shows (whether it be individual seasons or a full series overview,) comics, and video games. Retro-Reviews will be posted at the midpoint of each month.
  3. In The Mind Of is where I give my overall thoughts on a particular character in the realm of fiction. Same as Retro-Reviews, it will be a character of my choosing, but I am open to any suggestions that you can leave here. 
  4. Due to conflicts, a gradual decline in its popularity, and my evergrowing frustration with the show itself, I will be limiting the amount of Walking Dead posts I make to simply reviews for the current season and possibly past seasons for Retro-Reviews, character spotlights for In The Mind Of, and three Top 10 Lists for moments, episodes, and characters once I give the first eight seasons a rewatch (whether I count future seasons will be determined in the future.) Now that's not to say I will be doing this just for The Walking Dead; I will generally be posting lists and predictions less frequently as time goes, instead saving them for special occasions. 
And that's it for this post, guys. As always, tune in for more posts coming your way and be sure to leave any suggestions that you have here in the comments below :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Ant-Man and the Wasp (SPOILERS)

Ant-Man and the Wasp poster.jpg

Well, to put it simply, this was much needed therapy after the trauma that was Infinity War. The first Ant-Man was a fun if simple venture in the MCU, but this one is probably just a little bit better in that regard. Now let's get into why:

  1. Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lily make for a great superhero tag team. It's pretty awesome to see Hope get in on the action this time around, and seeing her fight alongside Scott is a welcome sight to say the least. They were really fun together and I can't to see their next outing...well, until they get out of their current predicament first...
  2. It's really funny and touching. Like I said, this was much needed after Infinity War, and this more than lived up to that. You'll be laughing your head off at one point from Luis on truth serum to feeling all warm inside seeing Scott have some quality time with Cassie and the Pym family being reunited after being separated for so long. It just a sweet little tale being told. 
  3. Ghost was a decent villain. While not being super standout like many of the other villains in Phase Three, she's better than the last major female villain, Hela, in that she was given a substantial amount of screentime and development. I also like that she wasn't a true villain and more someone who was just desperate to survive. Thankfully, she managed to fulfill her purpose (even if the means of which are a little so so, which I'll get to,) and I hope to see her return as a possible Avenger in the near-distant future.
  1. Michelle Pfeiffer was a little wasted with her role. Though the movie's plot is revolved around getting her out of the Quantam Realm, she still has limited screentime and her sole contribution overall was providing a Deus Ex Machina in using powers she obtained out of the blue to help Ghost retain her life force. Overall, Pfeiffer's is a welcome addition to the movie, but it wasn't enough for an actress of her standing.
  2. Sonny Burch was a bit of a nuisance throughout the movie. Despite him providing some of the funniest moments in the movie by introducing truth serum, he is mostly just an afterthought that's disconnected from the rest of the plot, which makes him kinda distracting to watch. Like Michelle Pfeiffer, this is a true waste of a good actor in Walton Goggins.
Ant-Man and the Wasp was a solid improvement over the first one and an enjoyable yet safe experience in the MCU.

And that's it for this post, guys. Tune in for more on the way :)  

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (SPOILERS)

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.png

Welcome to Jurassic World...

Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies of all time. As time went on, it spawned several sequels, several of them which...weren't very good. After two disappointing outings (one which I dislike and the other I find to be a guilty pleasure,) the closest the sequels ever came to capturing the spirit of the original was Jurassic World, but nostalgia doesn't necessarily equal quality or anything despite the movie having some incredibly awesome moments and Chris Pratt being the leading man, so where does Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom fall in this regard? At first, I thought this movie was gonna be quite easily the worst of the lot, considering that the trailers did it no favors and it looked to be borrowing heavily from the one I dislike the most, The Lost World. Let me be the first to say that the marketing for this movie did not do it justice, at all. This movie is better than it seems, and overall it had the potential to be the best one since the first. I'm not kidding! Ultimately, I'm incredibly torn with this one, and here's why:

  1. The cast is great. Again, Chris Pratt is always dependable when it comes to being the leading man, and he shares great chemistry with Bryce Dallas Howard, who is given a far better role here (no high heels this time 'round.) Rafe Spall, Toby Jones, and Ted Levine do fine as the villains of this piece, James Cromwell has a brief but overall decent role, and Jeff Goldblum and B.D. Wong make the most of the spare screentime they're given, but the real standout is Isabella Sermon as Maisie Lockwood, who is easily the best child to come out of the franchise, which is saying a lot. Overall, these actors make the most of a film that could've made better use of them all. 
  2. J. A. Bayona's direction. When I said that this movie had the potential to be just as good as the first, well that maybe in part to its director. Bayona shows that he is a capable director who can show off his skills in the midst of everything else, and it's his competent direction that manages to carry this movie the whole way through...well, until...
  1. The ending. Dear God, this has to be one of the most clunky, haphazard, and downright aggravating conclusions to a film ever! Not only does it exaggerate the plot to ridiculous levels, but it also has the Indoraptor (who was actually kinda cool; again, the trailers didn't do this movie justice) die an extremely lame and anticlimactic death, introduces a truly awful plot twist (you'll know it when you see it,) and starts to get incredibly preachy with its messages before turning them over on their heads and closing out with a sequel hook. Again, if it weren't for this whole end sequence, this movie would be so much better. 
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was easily the most frustrating movie of this year. It could have been a fantastic surprise...but that ending...UGH! Definitely not as bad as it seemed to be, but could have been so much more. 

And that's it for this post, guys. Tune in for more on the way :) 

Incredibles 2 (SPOILERS)

The Incredibles 2.jpg

Where's my Super Suit?...

In a time when folks my age were around the age of the kids today, there was one movie that almost everyone would know, love, and quote, especially the tagline of this post. That movie is none other than The Incredibles, which was essentially Pixar's answer to DC's Watchmen if you will. It's a beloved classic by now, yet there hasn't been any talk of a sequel...until now. 14 years later, the Parr family and friends have finally returned to our screens for another round of being super. Of course, was it worth the wait? Simply put, I'd say yes. In my honest opinion, I find Incredibles 2 to be better than the first, despite a few problems here and there. Let's get down to why I came to this conclusion:

  1. The action and animation were pretty top-notch. It had a different feel from the first, but one that I could say was much better in all regards. The animation was vibrant and gorgeous while the action was intense and fluid in every motion. Overall, a huge thumbs up to the crew for their outstanding work here.
  2. The family dynamics were given more time to be showcased and developed. Whereas the first focused more on Mr. Incredible's arc and story, the whole family gets a chance to shine here and there isn't a single one sidelined or left out of focus. However, that's not to say that one of them doesn't manage to come out on top, because...
  3. JACK-JACK STEALS THE SHOW! Seriously, if all else failed, Jack-Jack could easily carry this movie on his shoulders, hands down. From his interactions with the other characters, to the extent of his vast array of powers, every moment of screentime that he's given is enough to make one feel joy and laughter. He really is that great :)
  1. Screenslaver is a really weak villain, or at least a major step-down from Syndrome. While I figured this to be a given since Syndrome is such an iconic villain to compete with, I still felt they could have done a little better with this character. From the lack of truly standout moments of villainy to the incredibly obvious reveal of who the character really was, it was just majorly disappointing how this character was handled, even when I wasn't expecting too much.
I really enjoyed Incredibles 2. Definitely one of my favorites of the year and a major step-up from the first, I'd say it was definitely worth the wait. Now let's not wait another 14 years for the third, shall we ;)

And that's it for this blog, guys. Tune in for more on the way :) 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story (SPOILERS)

A group of people standing in a row, in the middle stands Han Solo pointing his blaster. The background is divided into blocks resembling a cockpit window.

I've got a good feeling about this...

Well, it was probably happening one way or another, I guess. Whether you like the Star Wars franchise or not, it is safe to say that almost everyone knows who Han Solo is. From shooting down Greedo in the Cantina Bar, to finding himself trapped inside a case of carbonite, all the way to meeting his tragic death at the hands of his own son, he is a character who has more than ingrained himself into the world of pop culture for a while now so it seems quite inevitable that the Star Wars executives would want to capitalize on that success and give it a film that explains everything that happened to him up until Luke Skywalker and co meet him for the first time. The question is, was it really necessary? Honestly, the idea is a nice thought, but alas, this was a film that really had no business being made, serving up a product that really didn't deliver on anything that was truly exciting or fresh in terms of what we expect in Star Wars. That said, it's not all bad, and here is what I enjoyed about SOLO, and what I didn't: 

  1. Alden Ehrenreich was surprisingly solid as a young Solo. I, like many, many others, was quite uncertain about how well he would do with his performance since he had little to no resemblance to Harrison Ford. What certainly didn't help matters was the news of an acting coach being hired for him. All in all, it looked like a recipe for disaster. That thankfully was not the case, as Ehrenreich was able to channel the core aspects of the character to a tee, playing him exactly as Ford did all those years back. All in all, he was certainly a pleasant surprise who was able to carry this otherwise mediocre venture the whole way through. And I do believe it's safe to say that he shot first this time ;)
  2. Han's relationship with Chewie was very well handled. I think that if they really wanted to make a Han Solo movie, they would just need to take all the scenes focusing on him and his Wookie pal and go from there, because all of it made for some of the best parts of the film and was convincing enough to show how close these two are to each other and how no matter what happens, they always got each others' backs. 
  1. The rest of the cast was, for the most part wasted. Donald Glover, who otherwise was solid as Lando, was not the scene stealer the trailers made him out to be, while others like Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, and Paul Bettany did their very best with otherwise lackluster material. I think they were fine otherwise, but more could've been done to make them and this movie even better.
  2. It was boring. SO boring. Like I said before, this movie didn't really offer up anything new and exciting, which would be fine if it didn't feel like such a slog to sit through. The only scene that I found to have any thrills whatsoever was the part where they were flying through the asteroid field and trying to escape the giant space monster, but once that was over it returned to being a snooze fest. 
SOLO: A Star Wars Story was about what I expected while simultaneously being better and worse, if that's really possible. It wasn't as disappointing as The Last Jedi was, but it still isn't very memorable either. 

And that's it for this blog guys. Tune in for more on the way :)  

Friday, July 13, 2018

Deadpool 2 (SPOILERS)

Deadpool lounges on a swan boat, backed by flames and multiple characters

He's Back...

Love him, hate doesn't matter. What matters is that the Merc with the Mouth has returned for more wild, wacky escapades. After suffering through a showing that did a massive disservice to the character, Ryan Reynolds got the showing he deserved when the first film came out in 2016. Now, in the year 2018, we have gotten the follow-up to that venture, and was it as good as, or even exceed, the original? Honestly, no, but that doesn't stop this movie from being an enjoyable ride all on its own, and in this post, I will break down what made Deadpool 2 work so well, and what didn't:

  1. Ryan Reynolds still soars as the titular antihero. He retains his witty nature from the first film while also adding some real, raw emotional depth to an otherwise wacky character. It serves to bring a more nuanced performance to the table and one we will not soon forget. 
  2. Josh Brolin is awesome as Cable. Though this wasn't his year-defining role (we already know what that was,) Brolin still delivers a solid interpretation of this character, sharing great chemistry with Reynolds and the other members of the cast while having a very dark and tragic backstory surrounding him. Overall, great character who provided some interesting morally grey areas to explore. 
  3. There were some neat cameos and surprises in this movie. For example, they actually managed to get the cast of the new X-Men trilogy to stop by for a hilarious gag, and even Brad Pitt got a cameo as an Invisible Mutant who joins the X-Force only to hit a live wire, but the biggest and the best, of course, is that of the MOTHERFUCKING JUGGERNAUT!!! Yep, that's right, he, like Deadpool, got a chance at redemption and it paid off tremendously. 
  4. This movie was surprisingly emotional. For starters, Deadpool loses the love of his life, Vanessa, and then there's Cable's whole backstory involving the death of his family at the hands of Russell. These moments truly pushed the movie into darker and edgier territory, and while that kinda came at the cost of some good humor, it still proved to make the movie that much deeper and tense, so it served its purpose well. 
  5. Finally, 2 out of the 3 post-credits scenes in this movie were glorious. If there was any better way to laugh at and mock the shortcomings of Ryan Reynolds, THIS was the way to do it. 
  1. It wasn't as funny as the original. While I was fine with the darker elements of the plot, I still think it could've had a lot more humor to balance those elements out since this is, well, Deadpool. It doesn't help that it rehashes a lot of jokes from the original, so while a few standout scenes held a laugh here and there, I wasn't too impressed. 
  2. The other post-credits scene. Aside from those two mentioned above, this one kinda ruins the movie by having Wade go back in time and save Vanessa, which essentially undoes the whole freaking plot. Again, this is Deadpool, so something that outlandish is plausible in his universe, but still, as he said, that's just lazy writing...
  3. No Stan Lee cameo. Granted, the guy is going through a lot right now, but still, his presence is sorely missed :(
I liked Deadpool 2 despite the first one being better. It's always good to see this character in action and I can't wait to see what he does next.

And that's it for this post, guys. Tune in for more on the way :)

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 (SPOILERS)

Walking Dead S8 Poster.jpg

And so the dust has cleared; All Out War has officially come to a close. There was massive devastation with lots of casualties, with one in particular being the biggest death in the entire franchise. That death was none other than Carl Grimes! Yeah, who would've thought? It is clear that this death will change the direction of the show from this point on, for better or for worse. For all that's said and done, what's the deal with Season 8? Well it was, like many of the past seasons, a rocky roller coaster of ups and downs, but if I'm going to be honest, I didn't think it was that bad; in fact, I think it was one of my favorite seasons overall, mostly because it ended up wrapping all plot threads in a satisfactory way despite many of the flaws that plagued it. Now if I may confess, I was never a huge fan of the "All Out War" storyline in the comics. It felt very underwhelming for all the massive buildup surrounding it and ultimately ended on a rather anticlimactic note; that's why I had high hopes that the show would figure out a way to expand upon the story arc to make it better. They did make some changes, kept some things the same, and then took a huge departure from the comics to lead up to the ending. While there will be (and has been) massive repercussions going down the road, I think for the most part the show did its best in telling the story at hand, so let's see what Season 8 got right, and what it didn't:

  1. The season, for the most part, was very well-paced. A major problem with the show is that it stretched many story arcs far too thin to fill the 16-episode slot, but this season did pretty well in moving the story along. It had a few sags here and there, but not one moment passed where I felt the showrunners were spinning wheels to get to the inevitable conclusion. Right off the bat, this season fixed a major problem that overstayed its welcome.
  2. Morgan and Carol were in full form this season. Both characters have shared an arc for the past few seasons now that has been a major highlight for the series, and this season finally brought those full circle. On one hand, Carol is at her absolute best here, embracing her inner warrior while retaining a warm, motherly persona that showcases the humanity she has held onto all these years, while Morgan is at his lowest and darkest point here, and you wonder if he could ever truly come back before he makes a change at the end that sets him on a journey into a whole new world. All in all, both characters have both had equally compelling stories, and no matter where this world takes them, they always seem to come out on top. 
  3. There is a great amount of showcase for a lot of characters this season. It really helps when a few of them needed this kind of showcase to bring them back into good graces with viewers. A few particular standouts are Ezekiel, Negan, Rosita, Simon, and Jadis of all people. Though a few characters got the short end of the stick, characters like the five mentioned really went above and beyond in stealing the spotlight and coming out of recent blights to their name, and that allows people to care so much more for them as time goes on.
  4. Though I can never defend the decision to do so (which I'll get to in a bit,) I did end up liking how they worked Carl's death into the overall story, making it the catalyst that determined how the end of the war would play out. It certainly left a huge impact, that's for sure, and while there probably will be some consequences to exactly how the future of the show will look without him, I think they managed to handle the situation quite well for the time being. 
  5. Overall, the ending of this season really moved me. It almost felt like instead of giving us something that I (and others) wanted, it gave us something that we needed! I'm sure a lot of people were going in expecting Negan to bite the dust and that the war would probably end in a massive bloodbath, but honestly, I was fine with the way it actually ended. After everything Rick and the group have been through, all the hell, pain, and devastation that led to this moment, it is honestly beautiful to watch as not only was Rick able to fulfill Carl's dying wish, but he now sees the world that could be rebuilt; a new beginning, so to speak. What a perfectly bittersweet way to end this season, and honestly, I wouldn't complain if this was the official finale of the whole series (and in a way, it kinda is.)
  1. Okay, so I was fine with the idea behind Carl's death, but does it mean I'm okay with the decision: HELL NO! Honestly, of all the routes the showrunners could have taken, they thought this was the best move. Seriously, what the hell were they thinking? Did they honestly think they could get away without having massive repercussions along the way. I think not, no sirree. This will definitely go down as the single worst decision of the entire show, regardless of how well it was handled. 
  2. Jesus, oh good Lord, JESUS!!! Out of all the adapted characters, he is quite possibly the worst translation from page to screen. He made a great first impression in Season 6, was heavily underused in Season 7, and then took a nosedive out a window this season when he took a complete 180 in his characterization, becoming the pacifist character (a staple characterization that has been recycled over and over again throughout the series) who will not kill, even though he shot a guy point blank in the head at one point and is more than happy to help Maggie kill Negan if push comes to shove (I know Scott Gimple said Negan was an exception, but still.) All in all, despite Tom Payne's excellent performance, one of the best characters from the comics has become one of the show's worst by far.
  3. A lot of the OG characters weren't at their best this season. Daryl has been reduced to a grunting rabble rouser, Eugene spent the whole season talking in cryptic clues and rambles that made absolutely no sense while still making us wonder exactly whose side he really is on, and Maggie looks like she'd rather be anywhere else half the damn time. Rick was also kinda hard to root for, since it seemed he was all too willing to let revenge and bloodlust overtake him and prioritize that over the wishes of his dead son! Rick and Eugene were able to redeem themselves in the end, and Maggie is safe from her decisions on account of Negan, well, killing her husband, but it's really disappointing to see a character like Daryl lose a lot of what made him so great when it seems that he'll be taking over as the main character (oh yeah, we're gonna get to that.) 
    Season 8 was, overall, a great season, and it was a step-up from the past three seasons for sure. Despite that, though, I still realize that as much as I love it, the show is starting to wear thin. With the ratings dropping consistently and the news that both Lauren Cohan and Andrew Lincoln (yes, RICK MOTHERFUCKING GRIMES) are exiting the show after Season 9, it seems the end is practically inevitable. Where does that leave me? Well, I have been wrestling with this decision for a while now, and I honestly have no idea what to do, but here is what I have set at the moment: I will still watch the show, and I will see where things go from there, but as for this blog, I probably most likely won't be posting as much about it anymore. I will still most likely do a review for Season 9, and I am going to post new updates of the Top 10 lists I have created with Season 8's end, but things such as predictions will probably come to a close. I will still remain a viewer and I will always remain a fan, but this blog will start to shift focus towards other things as time goes on. 

    Well that's it for this rather somber post, guys. Tune in for more coming your way and till then, take care :)

    Image result for the walking dead rick and carl flashback
    When mom died, she told me I was gonna beat this will...

    Friday, May 18, 2018

    Avengers: Infinity War (50TH POST/SPOILERS)

    Avengers Infinity War poster.jpg

    It has all lead to this. The moment we've all been waiting for. The culmination of ten years worth of moviemaking. The MCU has come along way since it began with Iron Man way back in 2008, and now we have reached the point where everything will change. After years of planning, years of build-up, the Mad Titan Thanos has finally arrived, and with him comes the greatest challenge Earth's Mightiest Heroes have ever faced. With all this hype that's lead to this moment, the question remains: did it live up to the hype? The short answer is one big YES!!! This movie not only met expectations, but it exceeded them. Now let's find out what makes Infinity War stand the test of time:

    1. You'd think that when you have a movie with as many characters as Infinity War, it would almost be expected for at least some of them to be pushed to the side in favor of others. Surprisingly, that is not the case here. Every character gets a chance to shine, even if it's for a couple of minutes. There's not a moment where everyone feels wasted, and it really does help that we got to know these characters since this all started. Overall, I was immensely pleased and impressed with how each character's role was handled, and it gives me hope that movies like this one can indeed work.
    2. The tone is, to quote Thanos, perfectly balanced. It still retains the trademark humor that the MCU is so well known for (and this movie could possibly hold some of the funniest jokes in the entire franchise,) but unlike other movies, this one manages to go to dark places; the darkest the MCU has ever gone as a matter of fact. For one, characters actually die, and the fight the heroes endure is one where you're not too sure they could win. In the end, they don't, and there is no clear way to be sure where they could go from here. 
    3. The surprise cameos. While we had all the other characters to focus on, the movie manages to throw in a few surprise faces to leave a mark. The one who takes the cake though is obviously the FREAKING RED SKULL! It was speculated, but who honestly would've outright expected him of all people to show up? Not me, certainly. Overall, this was one of the many pleasant surprises to populate this enormous film.
    4. Before I get to the big moment, I think I should address the best element (or character rather) of this whole movie: THANOS HIMSELF! Despite all the time we spend with the heroes, this is the Mad Titan's story first and foremost, and he truly went above and beyond in delivering on the long build-up to his ultimate moment. What can I say about him; he's menacing, intimidating, has a great CGI design, a powerful performance by Josh Brolin, and he manages to be a full, engaging, three-dimensional character with a goal and motivation that makes him seem like he could be the hero...minus the mass genocide, of course. Oh, and he wins. HE WINS! That alone sets him above all the other villains the MCU has had to offer, and he could become one of the best villains in Marvel movie history. 
    5. Snap! If there is one thing that I never thought they would do, it was that. It just seemed like such a hard decision to make that the fact that they did it and killed off half the cast is something that is totally worth applauding. It remains to be seen how much of Avengers 4 will undo this, but what remains for now is that the MCU is changed...forever. 
    Other than the fact that I am not to eager to see Avengers 4 (mainly because of the reason stated above,) I have no doubts to discuss. I enjoyed practically everything, and that's all I could say. 

    Avengers: Infinity War is, quite honestly, almost a perfect movie. This is everything I could've asked for when going into this, and I think it may rival Spider-Man as my favorite Marvel movie ever (it definitely runs far and away with the title of best MCU movie, that's for sure). I hope Avengers 4 doesn't reverse everything and basically make it out like it didn't happen. Fingers crossed...

    And that is it for my 50TH POST! Can't believe I have made it this far. To everyone who has taken the time to check out my posts, I just want to say THANK YOU! I wouldn't have gotten this far without your viewership, which I greatly appreciate. With that being said, take care and let's reach 100 :)

    Saturday, May 5, 2018

    A Quiet Place (SPOILERS)

    The film poster shows a close-up of Emily Blunt in-character with her hand over her mouth.


    Fear is everywhere. You can have fear of heights, fear of clowns, fear of spiders, fear of the ocean, maybe even fear of yourself. Now imagine being afraid to utter even a single word; where committing this simple action could lead to your inevitable demise. This concept is exactly what John Krasinski's A Quiet Place encapsulates, and why it's one of the most inventive and unique horror movies to come out in a while. In this review, I will go over what makes A Quiet Place stand out, and what doesn't:

    1. The acting is great. Krasinski shows how much range he truly has in this movie, proving that he can expand his horizons outside of a corporate office building in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His wife, Emily Blunt, likewise, is just as good, and really sells the harrowing ordeal of being a mother having to deal with protecting her children and giving birth to another in a world where that seems impossible. Finally, the child actors round out the family well, especially Millicent Simmonds, who is the real star of the show. They are all incredible and really carry this movie well. 
    2. The whole concept is, as mentioned before, incredibly unique and interesting, and I feel Krasinki makes the most of that concept and nails every aspect of it. It builds tension, makes you feel incredibly uneasy, and those monsters are freaky as all Hell. I distinctively remember feeling incredibly uncomfortable putting my drink in the theater seat's cup holder just because I didn't want to make a sound!
    3. In addition to being incredibly scary and intense, this movie is incredibly emotional. The theme of family is heavily alluded to throughout the movie, and it helps make scenes like the deaths of the family's youngest son and Krasinki's character hit all the more harder. It's truly special when a horror movie can not only make you scared, but also move you in more ways than one.
    1. This is more personal feelings than any real flaws, but I feel that Krasinki's character should have survived, only because of how upsetting it is. It's a powerful scene, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't mind if they kept him around to stick it through. 
    2. The ending felt like complete sequel bait, which becomes more blatant when it turns out there is a sequel in the works. As incredible as this movie is, I feel it works best as a one-off story.
    A Quiet Place is excellent, right up there with IT as the best horror movie to come out recently. I really hope the sequel is worth it. 

    And that's it for this blog, guys. Tune in for my 50th post which will be my review for Infinity War! Till then, take care :)

    Friday, May 4, 2018

    Ready Player One (SPOILERS)

    Ready Player One (film).png

    Welcome to the Oasis...

    When asked the question of who is the most well-known movie director of all time, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if people were to say Steven Spielberg. The man has quite the record in Hollywood, and it's hard to imagine the industry without him. This year, he produced a movie that showed his passion for the industry and his attempt at a love letter to the ones who feel the same. In this review, I will go over what Ready Player One hits the mark on, and what it doesn't:

    1. The movie is incredibly well-paced. Not a minute seems wasted and the story takes off and never stops going. While that hinders a few elements (which I'll get to later,) it makes the movie an incredibly fun ride that never spins its wheels. 
    2. The Oasis is INCREDIBLE! It's such a vast and open world stacked to the brim with pop culture references that will ooze out every bit of nostalgic joy from people who grew up with these films and icons. Speaking of those references, the standouts have to be Chucky, the Iron Giant, and that crazy scene featuring The Shining.
    3. The message the movie conveys is truly excellent, touching, and most of all important. Life can be challenging, and sometimes we just want to escape to a world where everything goes right and you can live the time of your life. While that's great and all, taking a step into reality allows one to see the true beauty life offers amid the hardships, and from there one becomes truly content with what they earn. It's uplifting, relatable, and something everyone can appreciate. 
    1. Sorrento needed more fleshing out. Ben Mendelsohn does a great job portraying him, but the character never evolves from being a standard evil businessman and never gets more depth beyond that. I never really got a good sense of what his exact motivations were for taking over the Oasis, and I feel he could have benefited from scenes like the one where he reveals to Wade that he put a hit on his aunt. He's not bad, but I wanted a little more.
    2. As much as I enjoy it, I feel the Oasis itself could have used more fleshing out as well. I feel Spielberg and the producers merely scratched the surface of the potential that could have come from expanding and building this world, and I must say it kinda disappoints me that they didn't do more with it. 
    Ready Player One is a fun little flick. Definitely not Spielberg's best (I honestly feel it may be one of his weaker ones,) but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. 

    And that's it for this blog, guys. More will be on the way :) 

    Friday, April 20, 2018

    Who Will Survive Infinity War? (and Who Will Die?) (SPOILERS)

    Image result for infinity war banner


    It has all come to this. At long last, in exactly one week, the Mad Titan will finally arrive and with him comes a conflict unlike anything Earth's Mightiest Heroes have faced before. There is a chance for them to prevail, but not without a cost. That's why in this post, I will go over the major players who I believe will survive this battle, who stands at a 50/50 chance, and who will sadly be crushed under the weight of it all...that is unless Thanos decides to give us a good 'ol snap of his that case...they're fucked! Now without further adieu, let's begin: 

    Chris Hemsworth plays Thor in avengers infinity war Thor: If any of the OG Avengers are gonna make it out, I'm gonna go with the God of Thunder. He's been to Hell and back already (if the poster was any indicator) and I feel it's only going to get worse, so I think it would only be fair that he the cost of everything else...
    Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow in avengers infinity war Black Widow: Alongside Thor, I feel Natasha has the best chance of getting out of this one in one piece. She may experience a whole lot of pain before getting there, but the odds are in her favor in my opinion. Plus, we still gotta get that solo movie of hers.
    Benedict Cumberbatch plays Doctor Strange in avengers infinity war Dr. Strange: He's been shown to be in serious trouble in the last trailer courtesy of Mr. Ebony Maw, but I feel the mystical Doctor has a huge role going forward in the MCU, so I think he'll be alright. 
    tom holland as spiderman in avengers infinity war Spider-Man: WELL HE BETTER!!! Personal feelings aside, I don't think the executives of the MCU are ready to let the web-slinger go. He's a long ways away from getting where he needs to be. Though don't expect him to come out unscathed, if that one promo is anything to go by. 
    Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther in avengers infinity war Black Panther: With the success he's been garnering, I don't think T'Challa is going anytime soon, and there's a good chance he'll take up the reigns of becoming the Captain America (figuratively speaking) of the MCU alongside Dr. Strange's Iron Man (if that analogy makes any sense.)
    Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch aka Wanda Maximoff in avengers infinity war Scarlet Witch: I don't see why it would be necessary to kill her off, and I think there could be potential for doing more things with her. That said, I can almost guarantee that she will experience great loss from this battle, so it's not an entire win for her.
    Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson aka Falcon in avengers infinity war Falcon: I think at least one of Cap's buddies should make it out, and between him and Bucky, I think Sam has a better chance. I mean, someone's gotta take up the mantle if, well, we'll get to that...
    Image result for Infinity War Mantis Poster Mantis: As sweet and innocent as she is, I believe, and particularly hope, that Mantis is a survivor of the chaos, and I'm sure she will be :)
    vin diesel as groot and bradley cooper as rocket in avengers infinity war Groot: We'll get to Rocket later, but Groot is definitely among the safer ones when it comes to the Guardians of the Galaxy.
    Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in in avengers infinity war Star-Lord: No way is Star-Lord dying. Honestly, out of every character in this film, I'd say he is the safest. 
    letita wright as shuri in avengers infinty wardanai gurira as okoye in avengers infinity war Shuri and Okoye: Black Panther did a good job of making these two ladies way too popular to kill off at this time. 

    50/50 (From Least Likely to Most)
    Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer in avengers infinity war Drax: I honestly don't feel that any of the Guardians are going to perish in this film, and even if one were, I don't think it would be Drax, but seeing as though he's got a bone to pick with Thanos and isn't known for being one to plan ahead, he could stand to be in real danger.
    Zoe Saldana as Gamora in avengers infinity war Gamora: Again, I think most if not all the Guardians are safe, but like Drax, Gamora could be in trouble due to her connection to Thanos, but I feel that may play a part in his inevitable defeat. 
    vin diesel as groot and bradley cooper as rocket in avengers infinity war Rocket: Here is the character I feel will perish if they choose to kill a Guardian off. Rocket stands as the clear candidate since I feel there isn't much more that could be done with him, and given how he acted during Vol. 2, a sacrifice to protect the ones who are like a family to him wouldn't be completely out of character.
    Image result for infinity war the black order The Black Order: This one's a clear 50/50, as while I feel Ebony Maw and Proxima Midnight will survive, Corvus Glaive and Cull Obsidian will most likely perish.
    mark ruffalo as hulk in avengers infinity war Hulk: There isn't much that can be said about Bruce Banner. There is no clear path for him to take, as he will forever be burdened with the curse of the Hulk. Maybe Infinity War will be the chance he gets to gain the closure he deserves; to use his new power in a way that will be beneficial as opposed to detrimental, possibly at the cost of his own life. 
    Image result for Infinity War Thanos Thanos: The Mad Titan himself. While I feel it would make sense to have him taken down by the end of this film, it would be rather wasteful if it were to happen before he gathered all the Infinity Stones, so while I feel he will be defeated, he'll most likely stick around to rear his ugly head once again. 
    Image result for Infinity War Bucky poster Bucky: The Winter Soldier has finally reached full circle in his quest for redemption, and Infinity War will definitely show how that all plays out. What that could entail is a possible heroic sacrifice much akin to Rocket if that were to happen. Still, we may need him if...well, why don't we discuss that, shall we...

    Don Cheadle as James Rhodes in avengers infinity war Rhodey: Here I was thinking Rhodes was going to be the big casualty of Civil War. It seems he's gotten better from that little mishap, so it's practically given that he's living on borrowed time, and that time has most likely run out...
    paul bettany as vision in avengers infinity war Vision: The one character that everyone predicts is a goner, which makes sense given what is keeping him alive. When this will happen is debatable, but I am quite certain Vision is a goner.
    Image result for infinity war loki Loki: Everyone's favorite God of Mischief is another candidate living on borrowed time, and I don't think it's possible for him to weasel his way out of this predicament.
    benedict wong as wong in avengers infinity war Wong: I can totally see him not making it out of this, especially if he tries to save Strange from the clutches of Ebony Maw and fails.
    karen gillan as nebula in avengers infinity war Nebula: Yeah, I can't see Nebula surviving this, though I can see her landing a detrimental blow to her father before she perishes.
    avengers infinty war character posters Iron Man or Captain America: Here they are, the two big ones. There's only one thing that I can say for certain, two actually: one of them is NOT making it out alive, and killing both of them would be overkill. While Cap is the clear choice for many people, I feel Iron Man is going to be the one, seeing as though Infinity War will be a game changer and what better way to do that than to kill off the one who started it all. All in all, it doesn't look good for either of them, so bring your tissues ),:

    And that's it for this blog, guys. Tune in for more on the way, and until then, get ready for the end.